Sunday was an awesome Creek Kids service. We finished our sermons on the virtue of respect and the Big Idea for the day was, "Show respect to God because He's in charge of everything." When I came to the end of the sermon, I asked the kids if they would like to know how to show the utmost respect to God. Of course, they all said yes. I went on to explain the plan of salvation and how giving our WHOLE hearts and lives to Jesus is the ultimate way the respect God and what He has done for us. Nearly every hand was raise to receive Jesus and even one of our Creek Kids workers got saved on Sunday. God is so good to us! I thank Him every day for the opportunity to serve Him. We talk about uniqueness this Sunday and how learning more about others helps so we can know more about ourselves. Gideon - one of my fav stories!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Crazy Daughter
Okay, just when you think you have taught your children to make wise choices, they go and do something like this! Micaela decided to go bridge jumping last spring while still at Evangel. I cannot believe her! I get nervous standing on a chair! I have threatened her with a beating if she ever does it again!! I'll never forget that phone call...."Mom, guess what I did today?"
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:24 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
My Babies
I snagged this pic from Amy's blog. I'm so proud of my kids. People probably get tired of me bragging about them, but I just can't help it. Mic is having a great year at Evangel University, although she is super busy. Did you know she's doing a four hour radio show every Thursday night with her friend, Trey? It is broadcast on Evangel's TV network, too. Keaton's new job in Montezuma is going very well and his ministry at Community Hope is growing. He also has been preaching nearly every Wednesday night at First Assembly in Newton as they are without a youth pastor. It sure helps the empty nest syndrome to know they are doing well on their own. Love my babies!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:08 PM
I had a conversation with the Sustala kids today that went something like this....
Me: So you think momma's gonna have a boy baby or a girl baby?
Jake: BOY
Jordan: GIRL baby
Jadyn: Silent
Me: So if it's a boy baby, whatcha gonna name him?
Jake: Jackson, that's mom's favorite and it HAS to be a "J" name! We need a boy so we have three boys and three girls in our family.
Jordan : Baby Jessica for a girl.
Me: Jadyn, what do you think?
Jayden: Silent
Me: Jadyn, do you think it's a boy or girl?
Jadyn: Big sigh...I just don't know yet!
At least the twins theory seems to be put to rest!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:10 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Amazing Idea
I shared with our Parenting Life Group a challenge Pastor Mark Batterson issued his son, Parker, on a recent birthday camp out. He made a three part covenant with his boy that for the next year, they would do a physical challenge together, an intellectual challenge together and a spiritual challenge of reading the New Testament together. At the end of the year long challenge, if Parker fulfills his part of the covenant, he will be rewarded with a trip. Batterson's theory is that if the sweat together and learn together, they would grow together. I thought this was an amazing idea! Today, Batterson's blog had this entry....
"Just thought I'd share a parenting idea. One of the things I'm doing this year as I disciple Parker is keeping a journal for my son. I feel like one of my roles as a dad is biographer. And I want to be a student of my kids. So I journal thoughts, ideas, and prayers for them. Helps me keep track of the things I'm learning about my kids!"
How cool would it be to give that to your adult child as a gift after years of entries? God made us in His own image. If God is creative, and you KNOW He is, then so are we. Let's ask Him to give us all creative ways to disciple our children. Almost makes me wish I could have more babies to raise and disciple!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:20 PM
Web Site
Here's a fun web site that teaches kids about missions! Check it out together...make it a devotional time. The family that "knows together"..."grows together."
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:57 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tons of Pictures
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:56 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Great Weekend
Well, I'm going to do a quick post this morning to give a praise report and then add some pics of the weekend later. First, the Family Fall Festival went very well with at least 100 people in attendance. We had a few new families from the community, too! Awesome! I had a GREAT team of people helping and must give a shout out to Kyle and Krista, Christian and Jessi, Devon, Randy and Micaela's ministry team Oath. They all blessed my socks off! And to all the ladies that made/brought cakes for the cakewalk...WOW...nicely done. Got some pics of those, too. Jenn's JCFC popcorn bucket cake was super cute!
Next....we had an incredible service in Creek Kids. The JCFC kids department hit a new record attendance with 75! Haven't heard how many adults yet but heard they were super full in Big Church. I have some new Creek Kids team members and one started yesterday. Ashlin is already a wonderful help and she has committed to working with me every Sunday. I know you can't see me but I'm doing a hallelujah dance in my pajamas. Baby Steps was rockin' when I peeked in on my sweet little babes. Do you know how much it blesses my heart when I stopped in the toddler nursery and heard those sweet little voices saying, "Hi Past-o Lowie." ? Melts my heart!
I'll be phasing out the pink hair....sure has been fun, though. My button gave me tons of opportunities to talk about JCFC and my kids!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:24 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Family Fall Festival
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:59 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What's Up With Annie?
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:30 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Creek Kids
I have to share a Creek Kids story. Sunday, we were starting service and I was reminding the kids that we are focusing on the virtue of respect for the month of October. My kids are so well behaved for me in Creek Kids but I know my little tribe well and know that some struggle with being angels 24/7. Hard to believe, I know. Anyway...I reminded them that respect means responding with words and actions that show others they are important. I stopped and gave an example. We may respond with the respectful words that are expected but as we speak them, we may have actions that cancel out the words. Such as saying "Okay, mom." or "Yes, sir." and as we say it we roll our eyes or give a big sigh. I was looking at the kids as I said this and my eye caught two sitting together who immediately looked at each other with the "How does she know that?" expression written all over their faces! It took everything in me not to bust out laughing. They KNOW they are doing something that isn't respectful and may think they are getting away with it at the time but maybe now they will remember my little example. The phrase "Do what I say, right away, and with a smile." is a great way to help them remember, too. Love those kids...they make me laugh.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:09 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Angela Albers
Today is the birthday of an amazing woman. Her name is Angela Albers and we have been friends for about 9 years after having met at Berean Assembly of God. I have some awesome memories of ministering with Angela and her husband Scooter Scotty. Angela is one of those people that when you think of her you automatically smile. Angela has been through many trials in her life from cancer to losing her dad, from being a single parent to health crises with her children. All of her life experiences have helped form the strong, wise, compassionate, loving and faithful woman she is. Angela loves Jesus and has had to lean on Him more times than it would seem fair but she always trusts Him and usually does it with a smile on her face! Here's a few other tid bits about my good friend...
She is a great mom of SIX beautiful children - Dominique, Madison, Isaiah, Elijah, Amaris and Sam
She is a cake artist
She just learned how to quilt
She home schools some of the kids
She is a children's ministry leader at Berean and a FANTASTIC one at that
She always goes above and beyond in everything
She's a good cook and can stretch a meal like no one else!
She's a loyal and honest friend
She wants to drive a BIG truck :)
She's a researcher
She loves coffee
And she's super smart...purple is her fav color!
Those are just a few of the many wonderful things I could say about Angela. Have a very Happy Birthday my friend!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
5:05 PM
Spoiled Pastor
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:16 AM
Happy Birthday Pastor Josh
I didn't forget my favorite pastor! Pastor Josh turned the BIG 3-0 on Saturday! Happy Birthday! I vaguely remember 30. Anyway...we love our pastor. He's many things to us but here are a few....
He's a visionary
He's handy with a hammer and screw driver
He's a man of faith and prayer
He's a soon to be marathon man, (well, half marathon, but still - wow!)
He's a great daddy
He's wonderful friend
He's still the best guacamole maker!
And he has the most contagious laugh
Happy Birthday boss!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:07 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:26 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Pumpkins, Goats and Sunshine
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:22 PM
Get Ready...I'm Gonna Rant
Well, I haven't had a good rant for a while so I thought these two topics would get the conversation going.
First, what is up with parents who so desperately want to please their pre-teen they are willing to fork out $4572 for a front row seat to a 14 year old Miley Cyrus concert? Come on people!! I read an average ticket price to see "Hannah Montana" live is $232. What gives? Does she really sing THAT well? No, I'm afraid not, we just have a culture of people who have nothing better to do than waist their money and cater to their children. Eek, Grrrr, Ha-Na-Wha?, don't get me started!
Second, have you heard about the new billboards that have an ad for a website to help you cheat on your spouse? I WILL NOT tell the web site and give them free advertising but their line is...."Life is short...Have an affair." WHAT? As if there are not enough people who struggle with adultery, we now are helping them organize their sin with a web site. They say they want to help married people make those connections. Wow, how they gonna explain that one on judgement day?
Ahhhh, a good rant always makes me feel better. It would appear that we have a lot of dumb people in the world but the truth is they just desperately need Jesus. Now get out there and make a difference! Care to comment?
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:05 PM
Here's a little phrase to chew on. "What gets rewarded, gets repeated." It's so true in lots of life's areas but in parenting, it's profound. It's obvious that when our children do well and are obedient, we will reward their good behavior with words of affirmation, special privileges, etc. But let's think of this phrase from the other side. When we ignore bad behavior, give in or "cave", or tell ourselves we'll deal with it later, we have just rewarded our children with a message that may not verbally say, "That was acceptable.", but implies it. Next time you are tempted to show retreat, remind yourself what gets rewarded, gets repeated. Hang in there!!!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:23 AM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
It's On
Wednedsay...October 10....It's totally on...PINK HAIR!! Yeah, my kids did it! Over $547 in one day for BGMC!! Way to go kids. I'll have pics to post of the big event. Because of you, many children around the world will know about Jesus and start their personal relationship with Him. Thanks for all your hard work (you, too, moms and dads).
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:33 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
My Buddies
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:33 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Fun at "Work"
How can I call my job "work" when I have such a great time doing it? I got to spend a little time with all my friends at Des Moines Christian School this morning as I spoke at chapel time. The theme for the month is Purity/Boundaries and the scripture verse is from Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." Our Big Idea was, "Ribs ain't just for dinner!" (Have I made you curious?) I had so much fun sharing from God's Word and just being in such a wonderful atmosphere. I even get to go back this afternoon and share with their pre-kindergarten class. I'm so blessed!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:37 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Pink Hair?
Will it happen? Can my tribe of beautiful, smart, precious kids of JCFC bring in $500 in one day for missions? I have the hair appointment set...the camera ready...the calculator warmed up, now we just have to wait until this Sunday, October 7, to find out just how cute I'll look with pink hair tips. I even had a button made that says, "Ask me why my hair is pink!" It's not every day you see a 46 year old woman sporting a punk hair do. Can't wait!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:20 AM
Monday, October 01, 2007
New Pics of JCFC
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:59 AM