Monday, December 31, 2007

Great First Day

My first official day on the Des Moines First Assembly team went great. It was BUSY in the nursery but we had fun...even with a few fussies. It was wonderful to have the whole Stinson fam visit!! Julianna came in like she had been there many times. She was so cute and I got some good hugs. Of course, it rocked to see Mary, too. She is getting soooo tall and even more beautiful.

My head is already spinning with some ideas to go from great to fantastic. All the gals who volunteered were so helpful and glad to have a new leadership. The gal who left had done a very good job so I have some big shoes to fill. The only reason she left is because she has three little ones herself and it was just too much time from her family.

It was also cool that many of the staff that I hadn't talked to since coming on board made it a point to stop by and welcome me to the team. I thought that was so nice since they all have busy schedules on Sunday, too. Made me feel at home already. I'd say the first day was a success!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Amazing Life Lessons

I thought these were worth a blog entry. You may have seen them before but are sure a great reminder of how we should treat others.
Five lessons about the way we treat people
1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady
During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50's, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely, " said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello." I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain
One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960's. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."
Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. " Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away". Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Great Christmas

Mike, Lori, Julie, Dan, Norman and mom Diane in front
Are we from the south?
Jakob and Dylan
Rock Star
Keaton and Michelle
Our matching sweatshirts - Go Wolverines!
Goin' "Gangsta"
Mic's new bomber hat

We had such a great Christmas! Our travels to Sioux City had good weather and tons of laughter in the van all the way there. I can't even tell you what all we laughed about but it was a noisy trip. :)

We got to meet Randy's new sister-in-law, Georgia, on Christmas Eve. We are happy for his brother, Don, who found new love after being widowed a few years ago. Randy's mom was having a better day with her health than usual and it was good to spend time with her. She turns 80 next week and her Parkinson's Disease is progressing and causes her a lot of discomfort. It's sure hard to see her aging and struggling with everyday tasks.
Christmas Day we spent partly with my family and back at Randy's mom's. We got to see my brother, Mike, for the first time in at least 8 years. He has been in prison for drugs but is doing great now and has given his heart and life to Jesus. I am so thankful that all of my mom's kids could be together for the day. We are like so many other families with "issues", but it was a great time with everyone. The twins are now 8 years old and were actually excited to see us and gave voluntary hugs! They are growing up. Not sure what my brother was thinking but they bought them BB guns for Christmas!! Yowza...I wouldn't be that brave (if that's the right word!)

We bought Micaela something she has wanted for four years...a bass guitar. She was pretty excited and has been fiddling with it none stop. Thank goodness it came with headphones so we don't have to endure her teaching herself how to play it. I threatened to send her out to the Main's house to make noise, but I love them too much!

We even got to spend some time last night with Keaton's friend Michelle and our second son Michael aka Obie. I feel so BLESSED to have my kid's friends come to our home and actually have fun hanging out with us. My sides hurt this morning from laughing so much! We had a slight scare with Michelle and a kernel of corn at dinner but all is medical attention needed! :)

We praise God that our holiday was so good with family, friends, food, travel, and new ministry excitement and are mindful that not everyone had such a great Christmas. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and can share our fun through some of these pictures.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Isabella - A Star is born!!
Lisi Lou Lou - the real doll
Sandy and Adele May at DMC Grandparent's Day
My good buddy Amy at Cracker Barrel
My dad and step mom from Michigan
Me and my daddy at Thanksgiving
Micaela and me at Evangel

Here are some pics that I haven't posted until I got my new laptop!
It rocks...and is Flamingo Pink!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Exciting News!

Today, I accepted an offer for a new ministry position at First Assembly of God in Des Moines. I am very excited about our opportunity to serve at such a great church. I will be a part of the children's ministry team starting December 30. My official job is a part time position overseeing all aspects of the nursery and I will be jumping into children's church ASAP teaming up with my friend Pastor Brian Bopp (aka BBopp), the children's pastor. There are so many possibilities for growth and expansion and we are all praying that I will be able to come on full time later this new year. BBopp and I have been dreaming up some awesome plans and are really looking forward to working together for the Lord.

I am a little surprised at how quickly this all transpired but am ready to jump back into leading children to Christ. We appreciate the welcome and enthusiasm of the staff at our joining the team at First. 2008 is looking to be a great year for the Eilers family!

Happy Birthday Angela

It's my buddy Angela's birthday! Let me count a few of the ways that Angela blesses my life and those around her....

Angela is a great listener when you need a shoulder.

Angela makes some rockin' potatoes that have a bizillion calories in a serving!

She's a Godly woman who is spiritually mature and obedient to the Lord.

Angela is a terrific mom of 3 and a half darlings: Jordan, Jacob, Jadyn and J____. I am always amazed at all she accomplishes with the kids in tow.

She has a great laugh and a quick wit.

She is a wife that makes her husband, Ed, very proud.

When you look up the word - Organized - in Webster's dictionary, it says Angela Sustala! :)

Angela is a wonderful friend and I a so blessed to know her and have her in my life. Sure glad God brought her here from Texas! Have a birthday that is as special as you are! Love you bunches!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Feeling Old or Maybe Well Seasoned...That's My Excuse!

Oh my-lan-ta! I had one of those "feel old" moments while working at school today. I had a class of 6th graders come into the computer lab and I saw this kid and knew I had to know him from somewhere. I just couldn't place him for sure. You know, I meet so many kids between churches I have ministered at, church camp for 13 years, Junior Bible Quiz for 13 years and working at a public school for 9 years, and various preaching opportunities. After I gave the class all their instructions, I asked the young man what his name was and he replied, Nathan. The light bulb came on....he was just a little guy when I last saw him at Berean where he would occasionally come with his grandparents. I said, "Oh, I know you! You used to visit Berean and I used to be one of the kid's workers there." He looked right at me and said, "Oh yeah, you're Pastor Lori!" What is kinda funny is that when I knew him, I wasn't officially a pastor yet but he always called me that anyway. I love it when I get "reunited" with my old kids, even though it made me feel a little "well seasoned."

My other moment today came at the post office. I stopped to mail a ministry class I finished and the post office was a ZOO!!! The line was moving fairly fast but I noticed that most everyone had either many packages or a stack of 500 cards. I had one manila envelope so when I got to the counter, and without thinking mind you, I said to the nice gentleman, "I'm easy!" He smiled and said, "You better not say that too loud." I about died! I was stammering and trying to clarify myself with, "No, No, I meant easy as in I have one envelope!" I was beet red, of course! My age must be having an affect on my speech...or something like that!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


It appears that the Lord is bringing about some changes once again in our lives. Sometimes when you have a decision to make, it is black or white, obviously yes or no, or doesn't take much thought. A very wise man that we know once gave Keaton some advise about a decision that didn't have an obvious answer. He said to pray, step out, proceed in faith and ask God to close the door if it needs to be closed. Go until God says yes or says no...put some feet to your faith. Randy and I are in one of those spots right now. I am going to step out and see what God has in store. I trust that His ways are higher than mine, His plan is better than anything I could ever ask for or dream and that He sees in me possibilities that are yet to be discovered. I am being reminded that when God gives you a vision you need to remain focused on that vision and He will take care of all the details of getting there. When we think we know how to achieve the vision, God may remind us that His plan to get there may be different than what you thought. If I stay close to Him, He will continue to use me. My vision for the children of the Des Moines area is still the same...the journey has just been updated! I used to dread change, I'm learning to embrace it.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Back in the Swing

My first day back at Parkview Middle School was a little surreal. It felt weird to be there but strangely comfortable; I worked there for nine years, after all. All the staff was so welcoming and excited to hear about the kids and life in general. It was fun to "catch up" with everyone and be with people who I've known for so long and hear about their kids, too. The staff at Parkview was with me during my weight loss five years ago and were my biggest cheerleaders! I remember a group of them were so proud of how I did that they were trying to get me on the Oprah show!! Too funny! Made me smile to hear my friend Lisa call me by the nickname she gave me several years ago...Lucky. She always calls Randy "Mr. Lucky." Even got to see a couple of "my kids" from our Berean days who go to PVMS. Crazy to do hall duty and watch how 6th and 7th graders behave and interact. Middle schoolers are strange creatures, for sure. :)

I had so many opportunities to share Christ with coworkers over the years and I'm praying that the Lord will use me while I'm there again. I'm determined to make the best of this season in my life and to get past my own sorrow and still be a light in the world. There are several new teachers on staff since I left not quite two years ago so there is much to do this week. :)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Christmas Programs

How about this wonderful Iowa weather? Makes for interesting driving and walking with my crazy knee! We had a GREAT time at the Des Moines Christian School Christmas program yesterday. Thanks so much to the May family for allowing us to be fill-in grandparents for Adele. It was one of the best kid's programs I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of them! The kids did such a fantastic job and you could tell the whole presentation was bathed in prayer. Even with the stinky weather there was a record crowd. DMC was a wonderful host with lots of coffee and cookies and smiling faces to welcome all. We even had some bonus hugs from other kids we knew!!

This morning we went to Christian Life Assembly and it was their adult Christmas program. It was super good, they have some very talented singers! They even had some impressive choreography! If you are bored and want something to do, they are having another performance tonight at 6 PM. We had planned to surprise Keaton this morning and drive to Montezuma but the roads that direction were pretty dicey. I really wanted to go since it was their kid's program and Keaton was preaching in big church. Bummer! Keaton and I had chosen the same Christmas program so I was dieing to see it performed. Oh well, we enjoyed our visit to CLAG.

I bought the new Josh Groban Christmas CD and it is awesome! Highly recommend it and it's on sale at Family Christian Bookstore. I had an extra $10 off coupon so I pert-near got it for free! Sweeeet! Gotta love that Josh Groban. It's of my kids LOVES Christmas music and the other HATES it. Can you guess which one is which? I've been listening to the Elf soundtrack and The Rat Pack Christmas, too. I even broke out the old Avalon Christmas CD, it's an oldy but goody. I need to buy the old Mariah Carey Christmas CD. I had it on cassette and it's one of the best one's ever. Let me know if anyone sees it out there for cheap.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I finally connected with my pal Amy G. on Monday. She is one of those friends who you may not see forever but can pick up talking like you just saw them yesterday! So good to spend a couple hours catching up and encouraging each other.

Tuesday was my first day back on the job in the Ankeny Schools. I filled in for a study hall teacher for the whole day. It went well but I'm sure not cut out to do that every day all day long. Too quiet!! It looks like I will be able to work as many hours as I want, which is good. Back at my old school all next week!

This morning I was at Des Moines Christian for chapel. Our Big Idea was, "Serving isn't just for a season!" It was fun to have the principal, Mr. Lambert, be my helper. I think the kids enjoyed seeing him being a good sport. Got to see some of the JCFC kids which was a real treat. They are all such good huggers! Randy and I will be back to DMC on Saturday as stand in grandparents for Adele for Grandparent's Day. We are so honored to be invited and are really looking forward to it.

Tonight, I'm supposed to have dinner with another old friend, Jenn Y. She and I worked together at the school and have stayed close. She has two sweet baby boys but we are leaving them home tonight!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Church Visit

It's still kinda weird just going to church and not preaching, moving things or knowing everyone that's there, but it has been enjoyable experiencing different congregations and preaching styles. Today, we were at First Assembly of God and saw some familiar faces including Shanna Kempers' parents, Scott and Lynette. We have been there enough that it wasn't totally unfamiliar. I stopped by kid's church to see my good friend Pastor BBopp. He's such a great guy and a very anointed children's pastor.

Pastor Dave Beroth preached a wonderful message about finding joy. Randy and I talked about the service and both got something different from it but were both encouraged and challenged. It was great to see Pastor Christine, too. She is their Connections pastor and was super excited to see us. Although Randy was a little bent out of shape that she gave me a big hug and not him! You know Randy, Mr. Huggy. :)

My Friday date with my old buddy Amy G. had to be postponed until tomorrow so I'm really looking forward to that. We took advantage of the bad weather and had Keaton to ourselves for part of the weekend. Always great to spend time with the boy! I cooked a big ole breakfast Saturday morning and a slammin' good pot of chili for dinner! Cold, nasty weather always makes me want to cook.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas Tree

We put up the Christmas tree and finally got it all decorated. One of my favorite things about our tree is that I have, over the years, been given all kinds of ornaments from "my kids." It brings back such great memories and I always look forward to receiving new ornaments each year to add to my collection. Some are homemade, some are store bought, some are fancy and all are loved and appreciated! After being in ministry for about 20 years, you can imagine the assortment! This year, I thought about how different Christmas will be with not having a church home yet. Then I remembered that the Adair family gave me a beautiful ornament as a going away gift on my last day at JCFC! It looks great on the tree and has a sweet message on it, "A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart."

Our tree will never be one of those fancy "theme" trees cuz I just can't part with all the sentimental favs. You know; Baby's First Christmas, the Our First Christmas Together one and all those funny ones your kids pick out for you. I must be getting old...I feel all sappy!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gainfully Employed

I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go! I'm all set to be a sub associate for the Ankeny School District and have my first gig next Tuesday at the high school. I'm booked to work a whole week at Parkview Middle School actually filling in for the gal who replaced me when I left to work for the church. Should be fun to teach with my buddy Jim, the computer teacher who I directly worked with and shared an office.

Plus, I'm super excited to be speaking at chapel for Des Moines Christian next Wednesday, December 5. I just love going there and I'll get to see some familiar faces!

I have gotten a couple calls for possible ministry opportunities but am carefully waiting on direction from the Lord before I make any decisions. It is nice to have some possibilities, though!

Mike Huckabee for Pres

Here's another reason I like Mike Huckabee.... In last night's debate, Anderson Cooper asked Huckabee what Jesus would do about the death penalty, he came up with the laugh line of the evening. "Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office,". Awesome. He's gaining ground in Iowa, thank God. I know there is no perfect candidate but I feel pretty good about Huckabee.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pictures and People

I have two picture frame/bulletin boards that hang in the hallway going into our bedroom. It's kind of a hodge-podge of pics that are family, friends, and "my kids." All of a sudden they are super full. I recently got some new pics of kids from church and my buddy, Trudy, sent pics of her cutie boys in their Christmas letter. (Side note...way to go Trudy...I haven't even started my Christmas letter!) Anywho, I was looking through the pictures and smiling at the faces and remembering when they were taken. I've been feeling extra sentimental lately and am so thankful to have those pictures of so many that I love. I may need to buy another frame or bulletin board to hold them all.

I have also been blessed to reconnect with a very special friend through Facebook. It's been fun catching up with the older kids that I had at previous churches but I was very excited to hear from Amy Griffin who has been a friend since Micaela and Keaton were in elementary school. We are planning to get together this Friday for lunch. I haven't seen her for about 4 years so I am thrilled to have this opportunity. Amy is one of the funniest people ever! We met at church camp as councilors and really hit it off. She is someone who understands my passion for children's ministry and is a strong, Godly woman. We are sure to have some good laughs. I need to take a picture and hang it on the board!

Speak to Us, Lord

As always, Perry Noble hit it out of the park with this post. It's always amazing how God uses others to speak directly to us.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Dance

I am doing a happy dance. Our buddy Paul tweaked our antique computer and I now can actually get online in a mere few seconds! Thanks Paul....I owe you BIG TIME. He could ask me for just about anything right now and it would be his! I even had a beautiful delivery gal who brought the tower to my front door! Service with a smile and a hug. I'm so blessed.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Micaela's Christmas Break

Micaela wants me to put the word out that while she is home on break from December 20-January 6, she is available to be your holiday elf. She's looking to earn a little cash by wrapping gifts or babysitting your cherubs. Her e-mail is if you would like to "book" her before the rush! Just a hint...have plenty of scotch tape if you want her to wrap....she LOVES tape!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving 07

Thanksgiving day was great except that my boy was very sick. Keaton couldn't even eat one bite of turkey dinner. I felt so bad for him. As I'm writing this, he is still sleeping and I pray feels better when he gets up.

It has been wonderful spending time with my dad and step mom. They are always such a blessing to have around. They are leaving after lunch today to travel on to the Sioux City area to see me sister and aunt. It's always tough to say goodbye; we generally only see each other once a year and it's just not enough. The phone and e-mail are better than nothing but just not the same as being able to hug their necks and watch their faces as you talk. Maybe I need to get a web cam!

I'm anxious to hear how Micaela and Lis fared staying out at the Main's house last night. Amy so generously opened their house to the girls so we could have room for my folks to stay. Lis is an avid scrapbooker, so Amy offered open access to the craft room at the "Main Bed and Get Your Own Breakfast!" I thought Lis was going to do a happy dance when she heard she got to play in the craft room. They are off to Archiver's for some shopping today and wherever they think they need to spend money. Lis is a wonderful young lady with such a sweet spirit and fun to have around.

We have so many things to be thankful for! I'm counting all my blessings and they sure include all of you who read this!

Monday, November 19, 2007


I haven't been able to blog much due to our antique desk top computer. I'm now a library computer user until I can get a new laptop. It is so frustrating waiting literally 1 hour and 15 minutes to connect to the internet. Hopefully my buddy Paul can speed things up for me!

I am out pounding the pavement for a job. It looks like I will be able to work as a sub associate for the Ankeny schools. I figured it was a logical job in many ways. I have knee surgery coming in February so who wants to hire me now? Plus, I can still have a flexible schedule when needed. I worked for the school for 9 years so enough people know me that maybe I'll be requested.

We visited Christian Life Assembly yesterday and the message was soooo for us! Pastor Glenn is a great preacher. We are planning on visiting a few other churches and praying for God to show us where to land. It was weird just going to church and not setting up or tearing down. It felt like we barely got there and were leaving again. I know I need to enjoy this season and rest in God's Word until the next door is open. It's so nice to see some old friends at that are a part of other churches.

Micaela gets home Wednesday afternoon with her friend Lis! Super excited for the weekend. Thursday, my dad and step mom arrive for the big dinner about 2 PM and are staying overnight. This will be the first time I have had Thanksgiving dinner with my dad since I was a 3 or 4 year old. I LOVE to cook Thanksgiving dinner! Of course...I love to eat it too. :) Lis is a big crafter so she was thrilled to hear we have an Archiver's store here. Guess we will be going there this weekend!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I have so much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Road Trips

I, who rarely travels, have taken two road trips in less than a week! Last Friday, Amy, Becky the kids and I all went to Omaha to the zoo and to see the Young's. It was a great day, the weather was beautiful, the kids were angels and it was so awesome to see Michael, Lindsay, and Reese. Lindsay is the CUTEST pregnant woman, EVER! So much fun to watch the kid's reaction to the animals and just to hang with good friends.

Yesterday, I drove down to see Micaela at Evangel. I'm sitting in her dorm writing this. We had lunch in the caf with all her buds. Last night we went to a flag football game for some of the guys and they won so tonight they play again in the "play-offs." We are having open dorm night so a bunch are coming over to eat the pumpkin bars I brought and then we'll go to the game again. What a wonderful group of friends my daughter has. No wonder she loves it here so much.

It has been so good for my spirits to be with Mic and have a change of scenery. So good to have five hours alone in the car to cry and pray, sing and praise, reflect and dream about what new thing God has for me and Randy. I am still so very sad and cry at the drop of a hat but my resolve is strengthening and my spirits WILL be lifted as I trust God. I know He is not done with me yet. I have too much passion left in my heart to not continue ministering to children. I have been leaning on Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 3:5-6 daily. I have had so many wonderful phone calls and e-mails from friends and fellow pastors just to encourage me and say they are praying for us. The family of God is amazing.

I am totally enjoying campus life and Mic's friends have treated me like royalty! I'm headed back tomorrow afternoon. I have a feeling there will be a few less tears on the way home! :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Change is always difficult, I think a little more so for women than men, but changes come. I think by now everyone knows that my last day as JCFC's children's pastor is this Sunday, November 11. I know there have been many tears and heavy hearts but God IS in control. He has a plan and purpose for each of us and I know He is not done with me yet! :)

I must say that the whole experience of planting a church has been fun, mind expanding, muscle burning, victorious, lesson filled, times of trial and error, and overall one of the best experiences of my life. I am so thankful for our time as a part of this wonderful church. I don't have to tell those who are a part that it is a unique place that God is blessing and lives are being changed for the better. It is truly a place where you can "build relationships and encounter God."

I know it is hard to say goodbye, believe me I have used more Puffs this week than I have in many years, but let's focus on the positive. JCFC will go on and do even more and greater things without Randy and me. It's such a weird phenomenon but for whatever reason when a pastor leaves a church there is growth. So ya'll better get ready!

Pastor Josh has taught me many things and I hope he has learned a little something from me, too. He has given me some incredible opportunities and totally gets how important children's ministry is to a church. I love that about him! He really needs you all now. I ask that you pray about how you are going to be a part of helping him in this transition. There are a million little details that will need done each week and it is a time when it will be "all hands on deck!" I will be able to leave with some peace knowing that all "my kids" will be taken care off on Sunday mornings. It's not always a glorious job changing diapers or wiping noses but I promise you will be blessed in ways you can never begin to know. The first time you see a child "get it", come to understand who Jesus is and how much He loves us, you will be hooked on children's ministry!

Thank you all so much for taking such great care of us and always loving us and welcoming us into your families. We want to stay in touch with you all however much is comfortable for your family. I know your children will have an adjustment time but the health of it will depend on you. If you, as their parents, will focus on the positive - so will they. It's okay and healthy to cry and ask questions but they need to know it's gonna be okay and that Randy and I are alright. We serve a wonderful Savior who watches over us and always gives us what is best.

I'm looking forward to hearing of all the wonderful things that JCFC will accomplish in the next few months and how you all grow together! Randy and I love you all very much.... thank you!! I think I will still be blogging so don't quit checking in!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Kid Movie? I Don't Think So

I've been meaning to post about this and my friend Trudy's post said it so well I copied it for mine. I know that a lot of kid movies are good vs. evil based and so therefor debatable in whether they are appropriate for our kids but this one crosses the line. My personal opinion about certain children's fantasy programs and movies is just personal opinion, but ask yourself if it's something you really want your child's head filled with.

The Golden Compass
I'm sure by now many of you have heard about this movie. I checked it out on snopes and you can too I've read about it and it just blew me away on what I read. This is from a friend of mine: "This is the first in the trilogy, and it's the TAMEST. The hope is that the kids will like the movie, and it seems harmless enough, so they'll buy the books and read this author's garbage. The author makes no qualms about his beliefs, as stated in interviews, and the books are very obviously encouraging children to abandon their belief in God and religion." I took this off snopes: Written by Phillip Pullman, a proud and outspoken atheist who belongs to secular humanist societies. He hates C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia and has written a trilogy to show the other side. The movie has been dumbed down to fool kids and their parents in the hopes that they will buy his trilogy where in the end, THE CHILDREN KILL GOD, and everyone can do as they please." It breaks my heart that there are people out there who are making movies like this. The sad thing is that families will go to see this movie and think nothing of it. Please don't hesitate to pass along to your friends and family about this movie. This movie is to come out in December (and stars Nicole Kidman). Let's start praying that it won't be a hit in the movie theaters and it won't stay out there very long.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Babes in Christ

Sunday was an awesome Creek Kids service. We finished our sermons on the virtue of respect and the Big Idea for the day was, "Show respect to God because He's in charge of everything." When I came to the end of the sermon, I asked the kids if they would like to know how to show the utmost respect to God. Of course, they all said yes. I went on to explain the plan of salvation and how giving our WHOLE hearts and lives to Jesus is the ultimate way the respect God and what He has done for us. Nearly every hand was raise to receive Jesus and even one of our Creek Kids workers got saved on Sunday. God is so good to us! I thank Him every day for the opportunity to serve Him. We talk about uniqueness this Sunday and how learning more about others helps so we can know more about ourselves. Gideon - one of my fav stories!

Crazy Daughter

Okay, just when you think you have taught your children to make wise choices, they go and do something like this! Micaela decided to go bridge jumping last spring while still at Evangel. I cannot believe her! I get nervous standing on a chair! I have threatened her with a beating if she ever does it again!! I'll never forget that phone call...."Mom, guess what I did today?"

Last school year she also received a concussion playing powder puff football and hyper extended her elbow playing in the snow with some friends. We won't even discuss how much that doctor bill was. :) Gotta love her spunk...or whatever you call it!

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Babies

I snagged this pic from Amy's blog. I'm so proud of my kids. People probably get tired of me bragging about them, but I just can't help it. Mic is having a great year at Evangel University, although she is super busy. Did you know she's doing a four hour radio show every Thursday night with her friend, Trey? It is broadcast on Evangel's TV network, too. Keaton's new job in Montezuma is going very well and his ministry at Community Hope is growing. He also has been preaching nearly every Wednesday night at First Assembly in Newton as they are without a youth pastor. It sure helps the empty nest syndrome to know they are doing well on their own. Love my babies!


I had a conversation with the Sustala kids today that went something like this....
Me: So you think momma's gonna have a boy baby or a girl baby?
Jake: BOY
Jordan: GIRL baby
Jadyn: Silent
Me: So if it's a boy baby, whatcha gonna name him?
Jake: Jackson, that's mom's favorite and it HAS to be a "J" name! We need a boy so we have three boys and three girls in our family.
Jordan : Baby Jessica for a girl.
Me: Jadyn, what do you think?
Jayden: Silent
Me: Jadyn, do you think it's a boy or girl?
Jadyn: Big sigh...I just don't know yet!
At least the twins theory seems to be put to rest!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Amazing Idea

I shared with our Parenting Life Group a challenge Pastor Mark Batterson issued his son, Parker, on a recent birthday camp out. He made a three part covenant with his boy that for the next year, they would do a physical challenge together, an intellectual challenge together and a spiritual challenge of reading the New Testament together. At the end of the year long challenge, if Parker fulfills his part of the covenant, he will be rewarded with a trip. Batterson's theory is that if the sweat together and learn together, they would grow together. I thought this was an amazing idea! Today, Batterson's blog had this entry....

"Just thought I'd share a parenting idea. One of the things I'm doing this year as I disciple Parker is keeping a journal for my son. I feel like one of my roles as a dad is biographer. And I want to be a student of my kids. So I journal thoughts, ideas, and prayers for them. Helps me keep track of the things I'm learning about my kids!"

How cool would it be to give that to your adult child as a gift after years of entries? God made us in His own image. If God is creative, and you KNOW He is, then so are we. Let's ask Him to give us all creative ways to disciple our children. Almost makes me wish I could have more babies to raise and disciple!

Web Site

Here's a fun web site that teaches kids about missions! Check it out together...make it a devotional time. The family that "knows together"..."grows together."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tons of Pictures

This past weekend was the Family Fall Festival and Micaela's Evangel University ministry team, Oath, was here to assist so of course I took tons of pics. Here are a few highlights. I think I need to add Bubbleshare to my blog site!
Micaela's friends were so much fun to have around. We laughed and laughed. A special thanks to the Main and Mumm families for hosting some of the kids! I really appreciate you opening your homes to the kids. I even had more offers to host but had to do a "first come, first serve"! JCFC peeps are so generous! Thanks Mic, Trey, Josh, Sal, Nicola, Clover, Erica, and Kendra! Iowa and JCFC love ya all!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Great Weekend

Well, I'm going to do a quick post this morning to give a praise report and then add some pics of the weekend later. First, the Family Fall Festival went very well with at least 100 people in attendance. We had a few new families from the community, too! Awesome! I had a GREAT team of people helping and must give a shout out to Kyle and Krista, Christian and Jessi, Devon, Randy and Micaela's ministry team Oath. They all blessed my socks off! And to all the ladies that made/brought cakes for the cakewalk...WOW...nicely done. Got some pics of those, too. Jenn's JCFC popcorn bucket cake was super cute!

Next....we had an incredible service in Creek Kids. The JCFC kids department hit a new record attendance with 75! Haven't heard how many adults yet but heard they were super full in Big Church. I have some new Creek Kids team members and one started yesterday. Ashlin is already a wonderful help and she has committed to working with me every Sunday. I know you can't see me but I'm doing a hallelujah dance in my pajamas. Baby Steps was rockin' when I peeked in on my sweet little babes. Do you know how much it blesses my heart when I stopped in the toddler nursery and heard those sweet little voices saying, "Hi Past-o Lowie." ? Melts my heart!

I'll be phasing out the pink hair....sure has been fun, though. My button gave me tons of opportunities to talk about JCFC and my kids!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Family Fall Festival

Don't forget...Saturday, October 20, 6-8 PM at Westridge Elementary School, 5500 EP True Pkwy, in WDM is our first annual Family Fall Festival!! It's all coming together for our Wild West night! Remember we have prizes for all ages in the costume judging which will happen around 7 PM. We have carnival style games, candy, lots of prizes, face painting, a craft, more candy and a good ole fashion cake walk! Bring some friends for a bag of popcorn and a great night of family fun. Of's FREE!! YeeeHaw! Don't be a party least break out some jeans and a cowboy hat.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's Up With Annie?

Is there nothing sacred left in the world? Come on people....vandalizing the famous AE cows Annie and Eric?! Some folks need to get a life. Wow, two rants in a month.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Creek Kids

I have to share a Creek Kids story. Sunday, we were starting service and I was reminding the kids that we are focusing on the virtue of respect for the month of October. My kids are so well behaved for me in Creek Kids but I know my little tribe well and know that some struggle with being angels 24/7. Hard to believe, I know. Anyway...I reminded them that respect means responding with words and actions that show others they are important. I stopped and gave an example. We may respond with the respectful words that are expected but as we speak them, we may have actions that cancel out the words. Such as saying "Okay, mom." or "Yes, sir." and as we say it we roll our eyes or give a big sigh. I was looking at the kids as I said this and my eye caught two sitting together who immediately looked at each other with the "How does she know that?" expression written all over their faces! It took everything in me not to bust out laughing. They KNOW they are doing something that isn't respectful and may think they are getting away with it at the time but maybe now they will remember my little example. The phrase "Do what I say, right away, and with a smile." is a great way to help them remember, too. Love those kids...they make me laugh.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Angela Albers

Today is the birthday of an amazing woman. Her name is Angela Albers and we have been friends for about 9 years after having met at Berean Assembly of God. I have some awesome memories of ministering with Angela and her husband Scooter Scotty. Angela is one of those people that when you think of her you automatically smile. Angela has been through many trials in her life from cancer to losing her dad, from being a single parent to health crises with her children. All of her life experiences have helped form the strong, wise, compassionate, loving and faithful woman she is. Angela loves Jesus and has had to lean on Him more times than it would seem fair but she always trusts Him and usually does it with a smile on her face! Here's a few other tid bits about my good friend...

She is a great mom of SIX beautiful children - Dominique, Madison, Isaiah, Elijah, Amaris and Sam

She is a cake artist

She just learned how to quilt

She home schools some of the kids

She is a children's ministry leader at Berean and a FANTASTIC one at that

She always goes above and beyond in everything

She's a good cook and can stretch a meal like no one else!

She's a loyal and honest friend

She wants to drive a BIG truck :)

She's a researcher

She loves coffee

And she's super smart...purple is her fav color!

Those are just a few of the many wonderful things I could say about Angela. Have a very Happy Birthday my friend!

Spoiled Pastor

I am one spoiled pastor! Our wonderful church families honored Randy and me with some incredible gifts for Pastor Appreciation Day! What a wonderful surprise we had! I am feelin' the love, for sure! Randy got the coolest book bag for his "back to college" adventure. True story - He got this bag out of the closet the other day and I told him it was looking rather sad and he should go buy a new one. Ever the frugal guy, he insisted it was okay. Now it can be filed, retired or whatever you want to call it!! Yeah!

We also received a gift card for dinner at Cosi Cucina, which is so cool because we have never been and always wanted to try it! I always heard it was great from my pal Trudy. Next - who loves me?- Starbucks gift card! I'm not sharing it...well maybe once. HeeHee.

And the last thing, which I have to tell you made me tear up and know for sure how God is in the so called "small stuff." I received a BEAUTIFUL watch from Brighton as pictured. Several months ago I was in the store and drooling over all their stuff and fell in love with this watch. It was a little more $$ than I feel justified on spending on myself so I put it back and told Randy maybe for Christmas. Then more than a month ago, I was having a conversation with my friend Michon about jewelry (we are both addicted) and I mentioned this watch at Brighton. I think I was fussing about the $6 clearance watch I bought at Target one day when my other one died. Anyway....Michon mentions our conversation to my pal Amy and off to the Brighton store she goes. Amy finds two watches that she thinks I'll like and happens to think that MAYBE I filled out a Brighton wish list. The clerk checks and low and behold, one of the watches was on my wish list! I NEVER fill out those store wish lists but the day I was there the clerk pushed me into it. See how God loves to give us just the exact thing we desire? I thought that was so cool...not only was it a generous, lovely gift but the exact one I wanted! Thanks Lord and my precious JCFC kids and families! I feel so blessed to serve at JCFC! Ask me what time it is!

Happy Birthday Pastor Josh

I didn't forget my favorite pastor! Pastor Josh turned the BIG 3-0 on Saturday! Happy Birthday! I vaguely remember 30. Anyway...we love our pastor. He's many things to us but here are a few....
He's a visionary
He's handy with a hammer and screw driver
He's a man of faith and prayer
He's a soon to be marathon man, (well, half marathon, but still - wow!)
He's a great daddy
He's wonderful friend
He's still the best guacamole maker!
And he has the most contagious laugh

Happy Birthday boss!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pinky Pastor

Well...whatcha think? My "Ask me why my hair is pink." button has already started some conversations!


I was watching Oprah the other day and she had a new author on with a cookbook that was very intriguing. Jessica Seinfeld (yes, Jerry's wife) had trouble getting her kids to eat their veggies and so she found a way to add them deceptively. Boy, if I had kids at home, I'd be buying this book! She uses veggie purees to add nutrition to traditional "kid friendly" foods such as mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and cookies! If you have a veggie hater in your house, you need to check this out. She worked with a nutritionist that helped not only get the veggies in, but combined foods to reduce fat and neutralize sugars. Wow...pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pumpkins, Goats and Sunshine

What a beautiful fall day here in central Iowa! Our mom's group made the trek to Howell's Pumpkin Patch today for a great time! We were a small group today but the kids were so incredibly good and you just couldn't have asked for a better day to go. We fed the goats and looked at the other animals, road the tractor pulled wagon out to the pumpkin patch and picked out our perfect orange prizes. Amy sent along some great advice. She tells her girls, "If you can lift it yourself, you can buy it." Takes care of the issue of picking out the 50 pound pumpkin! Howell's was a great set up. One piece of advice, if you have a larger group, call ahead and make a reservation. There were tons of school kids there! They also have a corn maze, play area, gift shop and it was pretty easy to find. Enjoy the pics!