I am painfully behind in blogging! This summer has flown by and as I get older, the days just seem to have less hours that the previous year.
It's been a great summer here at Whitehouse First Assembly. We have been blessed to see many new families making WFA their church home and so many people growing in their relationship with the Lord. One thing that Pastor Michael started at the beginning of summer was a devotional plan that the whole church did together and then posted their thoughts on our Facebook page. It's been fun to see what God speaks to different people even though we are reading the same scriptures. Isn't it cool that we have such a personal God that He reveals Himself to each of us in the specific way that we need Him to speak to us. Love that!

We are just 9 days away from our VBS called Your Story! I am expecting God to show up in a BIG way; lots of kids, many salvations, families transformed and our community touched by the great team of people who have gotten behind our kid's department! Your Story is based on Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I have this driving passion to help kids understand that if we walk in God's ways, He has this amazing plan for our lives that He has known about before we were even a thought in our parent's minds. Your Story will be communicated through lots of fun and a Toy Story theme! Who doesn't love Woody and Buzz? VBS is August 14-17, 6:30-8:30 PM, for ages 3-12. You can register online at http://www.whitehousefirst.org/ under the Children's Ministry tab.
We have some other dates and events that you need to be planning for:
During VBS, we are having a school supply drive. If you or someone you know has a need for assistance with school supplies, please e-mail me at eilersrl@gmail.com.
August 25th is our first Cookie Drop of the school year to bless our teachers and school staff. Higgins will be our first drop. the second one will be September 29 at Cain.
Wednesday, August 31 at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall is a fundraiser dinner for the Children's Department. We will have spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert! We are planning to do these dinners monthly.
Every Wednesday morning beginning September 7 from 9:30-11:30, we are having Play and Connect. It's a casual time for moms and their babies and preschoolers to come together for some mom talk and kid play! Invite your friends and neighbors! We will have a schedule of meeting places that will be on the chuurch web site soon. Our first meeting place is Whitehouse City Park.

September 9-10 is our district Kid's Convention in Austin. The total cost of the trip will be dependant on how many people go but the convention itself is only $15 for a Saturday filled with fun. Please contact me ASAP if your kids are interested.
Sunday September 11 is Grandparent's Day! Kids are encouraged to invite their grandparents for a special breakfast before our morning service. No grandparents close by? No worries...they can adopt a grandparent for the day! It will be a fun time for the kids to honor the Grands!
Saturday, September 24 at 10 AM is "See You at the Playground." This is the children's version of "See You at the Pole" where parents can bring their kids to the playground and gather for a short time of prayer for our schools, teachers, kids, administrators and staff. Our location(s) will be announced soon.
Saturday, October 1 is our very first Hike-a-Bike-a-Trike-athon! This is a Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge fundraiser to help missionaries all around the world tell other kids about Jesus. The whole church is invited to participate and get pledges to hike, bike, or trike around the Whitehouse High School track. More details coming soon.
Those are just a few of the many fall events coming your way. I hope you and your family will be able to take advantage of our plans and enjoy these times of serving together, growing together and loving more people to Jesus. Thanks for the honor of serving you and your kids!