Thursday, November 06, 2008

God's Promise

Last night we had a wonderful sermon of encouragement and a refreshing worship and prayer time. Our Wednesday night service is always powerful. Pastor Tommy preached from Deuteronomy 28...the blessings of obedience. It has always been one of my favorite passages and I can recite some of it as I've read it so often. We had a prophetic word in a service recently and part of it was the verse in Deuteronomy 28 that says we are "the head, not the tail." Pastor preached about our faithfulness in all things and how we need to not be discouraged by the cares of this world. We need to remember who we are in Christ! We had a few testimonies about how God has blessed faithfulness and it was wonderful to hear some of our friend's victories. I feel like we have been living "the blessings of obedience" these past few months. After a tough year, God restored so much and it's not because we are wonderful people but because we didn't give up and kept Jesus first in our lives.


Anonymous said...


I am so happy for your blessings! You had such an impact on our family and your continued faithfulness was such a testament to who you are. We wish you so much luck and happiness in TN. Maybe we will take a road trip next summer :)