Our sermon topic today was forgiveness with the focus on Romans 12:18. Our "Big Idea" for the day was...are you ready for this? "Don't Pick Your Scabs!" Kinda gross but hang with me. I talked about how we have physical injuries that form scabs; it's our body's way of healing itself. But sometimes they bug us so we pick at them and cause them to burn and bleed and take longer to heal. We wash our wounds with soap and water, put some ointment on it and cover it with a bandage. Of course, we pray for it and mommy kisses it, too. :) Mom always says, "Don't pick your scabs!"
Sometimes when we have a heart injury, forgiveness is hard to give and may take some time. We need to be mindful to not "pick the scab" as in reliving the hurt, complaining about it or someone, letting others dredge it back up or clinging to something that only reminds you of the pain.
We can wash our heart wounds with the soap and water of prayer. Prayer that our own hearts are free from sin and we are prepared to let God help us forgive. We can have the ointment, the soothing comfort of the Holy Spirit. And we can cover it, not with a bandage, but with the blood of Jesus that washes away all sin. "Don't pick the scab!"
Of course, that was the mini version but you get the idea. I think there were many challenged as I talked about my greatest lesson in forgiveness and the reality the kids face everyday to make a choice to not pick the scab of unforgiveness. God had laid on my heart that today's message was for two adults in particular. I didn't tell them that God had specifically told me two females but after service two ladies came to me and said the sermon was for them! I'm so thankful that God prompted me to give that specific challenge and bless their hearts for their honesty. God didn't want them to feel bad and beat themselves up, He just wanted to heal their hurts by giving it to Him.
The DMC kids gave me a great "Big Idea"...The principal, Mr. Lambert, had them squat down and on the cue of "Hey, What's the Bid Idea?" They all jumped up and said, "We love Pastor Lori!" Oh my, my eyes were a little damp! Sniff, sniff. Always make me feel like a rock star. :)
After chapel, my buddy Amy arranged for us to go to Jason's Deli for some breakfast. (Which by the way was yummo!) It was so great to have several of my girlfriends come along with their kids to hear about Tennessee. I have the BEST friends. They were all so excited for us and know God has an awesome plan unfolding. Thanks Amy, Lisi, Sandy, Morgan, Marci, Sophie, Lillie, Sam, Jenn, Cale, Kim, Mandy, Dakota, Gavin, Skylar, Naphtali, and Shari! You all made my day...I feel so loved and blessed.
I am SO glad we got a chapel service with you this year...and it was a goody:) You will be happy to hear that when Mark came home tonight, Isabella & Lisi were both able to not only TELL him the Big Idea, but were also able to EXPLAIN what it meant. Amazing how much they can understand at just 6 & 4 years old.
It was an awesome lesson, taught by an awesome teacher and friend.
Love you so much!!!
Yay! I wish I could have been there to hear it.
You may be interested to know, Michael's dad was born in Union City! I knew it sounded familiar
WOW!!! You are good:) I LOVE the "don't pick the scab" message. I seriously think you need to video tape your sermons for all of those who are not lucky enough to be in your presence. I would be 1st in line to buy the series;)
fc Heather
I wish we could have come too! We are excited for you and Mr Randy as you enter a new phase in life. I admire how you listen to God in everything you do. We love you, Jena Scott Eli and Thia
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