Sunday, October 29, 2006

Friendly Competition

Today one of our sweet little girls, Lisi, arrived at church full of excitement as always. She and her sister, Isabella, both came with their Buddy Barrels full of offering for our kid's missions program, Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade (BGMC). We are having a contest in Creek Kids that if the boys bring in the highest total offering for the next month, Pastor Lori gets a pie in the face. If the girls win, Mister Randy gets the pie. Well, as little Miss Lisi, who by the way isn't even old enough for Creek Kids yet, came running to me with Barrel in hand proclaiming, "Pastor Lori, GIRLS WIN!" Sounds good to me, Lisi! How cute is that? It's fun to see the kids get into the spirit of fun, but even better how they are excited to give to missions.


Anonymous said...

I still say the contest is tilted in Pastor Lori's favor. We have a lot more girls than boys. It is great that BGMC will be the real winner, though. I'll just have to do my part to represent the boys.

Lori Eilers said...

Honey, you're the best!