Monday, August 03, 2009

Horses and the Hospital

We've had a hectic few days around here! Friday, Randy was put in the hospital with a blood clot in his leg...well, we found out today it's actually three blood clots. He will be in the hospital a few more days until they can get his blood thinned out a bit more. They have not determined how he got the blood clots but I hope they do before he leaves the hospital. He is being a good patient but I know he is getting tired on being in bed. He cannot be up at all! You can only watch so much TV, read and such before you go nuts. He can't even really play solitaire because he isn't allowed to sit up much. His leg has to be elevated at all times.

Randy had started his new job just four days before this all happened! He will have to be off of work for two weeks after he goes home and will have to ease back after that. So far, his new employer is being very good about all of this. We know that God is in control and He is going to work it all out for His glory. Everything from Randy's physical healing to the financial end of it. We don't have any health insurance and so this is an awesome opportunity for our miracle working, supernatural God to show the world how He takes care of us.

In the midst of this, I had a big day planned at church. Round Up Sunday was planned as a dual purposed event. Celebrating back to school and getting families back into the regular church attendance habit after the summer slump. You might be thinking, "Back to school?" Yes...our schools are back in session as of last Friday and today. Crazy, I know. So anyway....all went well even with making hospital visits and decorations for the big day. We even had two horses for some fun rides in the church yard between the two morning services. The kids had a blast and it was so fun to watch them enjoying the horses. The horses were so gentle and didn't even mind all of those kids getting off and on them. Great day even if we didn't have as many kids back as I would have liked. The kids all looked adorable in the western wear. We had some prizes for the best outfits and some crazy pictures of everyone in a "Wanted" poster.

Thanks to all who have been praying for us! We sure appreciate all of your love and concern. We'll keep you posted.