Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Sunday was a fun day in Building 2-52. We are in a series about the great battles of the Bible and this week our sermon was on Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. We talked about what a miracle it was when God brought down the walls with the obedient shouts and blasting of the rams horns of the Israelites. Our main sermon point was that God is still the God of miracles today!

We had some visitors from the Army National Guard unit here in Union City. They brought a Hummer for the kids to investigate and some even got to ride around the parking lot in it. Both soldiers stayed for our service and joined in the fun. The kids seemed to enjoy the change of pace and it didn't stop us from having a great altar time as we prayed for the miracles we all need in our lives.

Sunday was also Pastor Appreciation Day. I had the kids write noted of thanks and appreciation to Pastor Tommy and Deana on some pink, heart shaped post it notes and we stuck them on his office door. The kids loved being in on the secret mission! Our church members are so kind and supportive. I feel so blessed to be a part of the staff here. Thanks to all who made it a special day for us.