I was going to post a blog about our CRAZY Christmas bu Micaela said it all in a Facebook entry, so I'll let her explain the madness.
So I'm finally sitting at home after probably the craziest Christmas that our family has had to date (and that is saying a lot with some of the crazy family stories that we have). It's about 2:50 in the morning here in Tennessee and for some reason, I've decided that I need to right this now. Our trip started off rough to say the least. Tuesday morning we left our house at about 7:30 to set out on the 9.5 hour trip to Des Moines. We quickly realized that 9.5 hours was going to take a lot longer since the roads were like glass. For those of you that don't know, in Tennessee and Kentucky, when it snows or ices, the state shuts down. Sliding and fishtailing all over, our first obstacle was a semi and a car that slid off the road on a bridge. The next obstacle involved another semi that was off the road at the top of a hill. As we slowed to try and go around the semi, we got stuck with our only option to back down the glass hill and get a bigger run at it. You may be asking yourself "Where are all of the salt trucks at this point?" and the answer to that is in ditches. Every one of the county salt trucks had slid off the road and were waiting to be towed out. Your net question may have been "Why did you not turn around and go home?!". Answer: because we are CRAZY! The rest of the way was no less nerve racking. Our 9.5 hour trip turned into 13 long tense hours just to get to Des Moines. Once we were in Des Moines, we met some friends for dinner and my brother who in the mean time was suffering with an intense eye infection (which he is still not over so please be praying) in which the doctor thought that he would loose some vision permanently. As we were sitting in the good ol' Walgreen's parking lot after dinner waiting for my mom and brother to get his prescriptions, my dad and I had a rude run in. Someone not paying attention backed into our van and left a nice size dent in the back hatch door. Merry Christmas Eilers!! It only gets better. The next day, Christmas Eve, we met a bunch of friends for breakfast and then we were supposed to be heading to Sioux City to be with the rest of our family for Christmas. Then comes another kink in the plans! My grandma called all worried telling us that there was supposed to be really bad weather up there on Christmas day. We were going to be traveling back to Des Moines by then because my bro had another eye appointment on Friday so we couldn't risk getting stuck out there. On the advice of my grandma, we cancelled our hotel in Sioux City and made arrangements to have Christmas dinner with some friends in town. After the plans were all changed, grandma calls back and says that she was wrong about the weather. Too late! We spent our first Christmas ever in Des Moines (even though we had lived in the area for 19 years) and we don't even live there now! Christmas Eve night in the hotel was fun! We ate chili, watched Man vs. Wild, and played Apples to Apples. We laughed A LOT (which always seems to happen when Keaton is around)!! Christmas morning we opened our stockings like always. I got mints, a whoopee cushion, Rook, and Kung Fu Panda!! After breakfast we opened our actual Christmas gifts. I got money cause all of the "Wii"s in the Tennessee and Kentucky area were sold out so that's what I'll be using my money for. We ate Christmas dinner at the Lively house and played Mad Gab and then decided to held back to TN at around 3. About halfway home, my mom gets sick! Once again, our 9.5 hour trip took much longer. This time about 11.5 hours. Please pray for her though, she is REALLY sick. So anyway, that's what happened for my Christmas! I didn't want to have to tell the story over and over again so there it is so you can all read it! It's about 3:20 now and I really need to go to bed. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a great New Year!!
Side note...it's now late Saturday morning and I'm feeling a little better but am still experiencing some of the incredibly annoying symptoms that come with the flu. You get the idea. I have now been able to eat a few saltines, a little jello and sip some 7up.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Guest Blogger Micaela
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:33 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
From the Eilers family...Merry Christmas! We pray that this Christmas is one you will always remember as the year you celebrated Jesus with your WHOLE heart. Don't hold anything back...give Him your all! So far, our Christmas has not been at all what we planned but we are together and so thankful for all the Lord has done for our family through the years. It's a weird Christmas without Randy's mom and it's odd being in a hotel in Des Moines instead of home but it's all good when you know God is in control of your life. Much love to all! More details to follow.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:52 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Road Trip
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we hit the road to go to Iowa for Christmas. It will be so great to see Keaton again, my family and even several friends. I'm not looking forward to the loooong drive and the ridiculously cold temps of Iowa. It's even been unusually cold in Tennessee the past couple days. Last Friday, it was like 69 here in Union City! Today...18 degrees. I've been accused of bringing Iowa weather with me!
As much as I want to see everyone, I'm a little sad to not be spending Christmas in Union City. It's so hard to explain how in less than three months we have come to love this place and these people so much. I was talking to Deana today and I said something about how hard it is to remember what a short time we've been here because we just feel so at home. She agreed that it seemed like we had been here longer and went on to say how evident that the whole story is just plain and simply a God thing. Well, maybe not simple but surely amazing!
Gonna be a quick trip. We're leaving Tuesday and getting home Fridaynight! Now, where did I put that long underware?
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:00 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Here's a way cool quote...."Some men see things as they are and ask 'Why?' I dream things that never were and ask, 'Why not?" Robert F. Kennedy....Inspires me!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:00 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Double Take Christmas Musical
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:28 PM
Volleyball and Shuffleboard
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:59 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fantastic News!
We had the best news today! Randy got a job! He starts tomorrow morning at a place called Ethanol Grain Processors as their accountant. It happened super fast. he just sent his resume last Wednesday late afternoon, had an interview Thursday, doctor's physical and drug test on Friday and the offer today! He will have about a 30 minute drive but we have heard great things about the company. God is faithful!
I'm so proud of Randy. If I had to wait this long to get a job, I'd be going CRAZY! But not my hunky man...he redeemed the time with Bible study and a good attitude. What an awesome Christmas gift!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:15 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Big Weekend
First, let me say it's soooo good to have my boy here in Tennessee! He drove a long way to see the old folks and we really appreciate it. Now I just need to figure out a way to keep him! Just kidding....God is using him in some amazing ways back in Iowa.
This Sunday at 5 PM is our Double Take Christmas Musical with all my kids. We are starting the program with our babies! We will have a baby parade and let all the folks oooh and awww over them. Then the Toddler Church gang sings their song. I can't wait to see them! I love the unexpected antics of toddlers! Always good for a laugh or two. Then the big kids take the stage. I'm praying hard! There never seems to be a point when you can honestly say, "Oh, we are so ready!" But that's okay...our purpose isn't perfection but ministering to hearts.
We have dress rehearsal tomorrow so we'll be in "big church" for the first time and I hope all my mental staging works out. Practice is followed by pizza and ice cream so it will fun to hang with my kids!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:14 AM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Where Are You Investing?
Kids and teenagers. Some people cringe at the thought of spending time with them; on purpose or on accident! Some would scoff at the thought that a child could make a huge difference in the world. Some would laugh at the idea of a young person being a "chain breaker" in a family or community. By a "chain breaker" I mean someone who breaks free from generational sin and doesn't follow a path that seems to be their destiny. Kids and teenagers. The advertising agencies of the world understand their power. Who do they market all their products to? When will all communities, churches and leaders wake up and realize they are missing it when they underestimate a child or teenager? I'm so thankful to have served in churches past and present who "get it." Please invest in the youth of today. Give of your time, talents, and treasures...Wall Street is for fools these days but children are a worthy investment.
For those who understand the power of a caring heart and for those who may not realize how much our kids can do...you need to watch this. Get a tissue!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:17 AM
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Build A Gingerbread House
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:30 PM
Friday, December 05, 2008
The Best Week Ahead!
It's gonna be a busy but fun week ahead! Tomorrow is our all church family event, Build a Gingerbread House for everyone to enjoy. We are setting up the activities building for families to gather for this new holiday tradition and to have a pot luck lunch following the big build. You know me...I love to hang out with "my kids" and EAT!
Sunday, after morning service, is our Kid's Inc. team meeting and lunch. I love to break bread with my peeps and encourage them in growing together in our call to reaching boys and girls for Jesus. I am so blessed with a great group of laborers who also love kids. God has placed a couple of youth kids on the team that not only have a call to children's ministry but already do such a wonderful job with the kids. I'm excited for the opportunity to pour some of my experience into their lives and help them however I can.
This coming Tuesday is my first T.A.L.K. meeting in Tennessee! It's a branch of the group that started in Kentucky, spread to Iowa and now will hopefully be a blessing and encouragement to children's ministry leaders here. Teaching and Loving Kids is a networking group for anyone who works with kids, from any denomination, full or part time, who just want to build God's Kingdom and not worry about who's church is the biggest! I invited a TON of folks so I'm praying for a good turnout. I'm finding I may have to do an evening meeting next time as most are on a volunteer basis and work day jobs.
Wednesday night, my boy arrives! Keaton is coming down for a few days and I can't wait to see him! Pray he has a safe trip.
Next Friday night is our churches "Couples Volleyball" in the activities building...should be so fun! Saturday is dress rehearsal for the big Union City First Assembly of God Kid's Inc. Christmas Musical, Double Take! Sunday at 5 PM is the big show and everyone is getting excited. I am looking forward to the whole thing, from the Baby Parade and the Toddler Church performing their song, and to the ministry "my kids" will bring to our community. I'm praying that many hearts will be touched for Jesus through their singing and drama.
Whew....I need a nap already! :) Don't you just love the Christmas season?
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:42 AM
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Our First Christmas Float
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:49 AM
Awesome Thanksgiving
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:25 AM