Hands down the toughest job in the world...parenting. All you parents are shouting "AMEN" and those who aren't parents yet are probably thinking "whatever", but in my opinion, successful parenting is the biggest accomplishment you'll ever gain. As someone who has worked with kids my whole life, I've seen every parenting style out there. I've had the benefit of working in both secular and Christian settings and have learned from each. I want to say I am NOT a parenting expert, I have no official parenting education and I made my share of parenting mistakes but I do have common sense, two adult children who love and serve God and a lot of God's grace! I feel to be a successful children's pastor, I need to minister to the whole family. So, throught this blog, I'd like to occasionally include some parenting facts, tips, and encouragements. I was reading an AOL parenting poll through Parenting magazine. It was pretty interesting. The title was "Moms dish on how they handle misbehaving kids." It's pretty much inevitable that kids will misbehave, so what do you do when yours act up? More than 2,500 moms fessed up about discipline in our Parenting poll: How you decide what to do about bad behavior:
44% of you do whatever you can think of at the moment.
28% always handle it the same way.
26% wait a few minutes to figure out a punishment that fits the crime.
3% wait until you can discuss it with your partner
WHAT? No wonder our kids have so many problems. Only a little more than a quarter of parents consistently discipline in the same way. In my opinion, if your kids understand what the consequences are for misbehavior, your job just got a lot easier. When we find out that we are becoming parents we start planning everything. Names, room decor, college funds, what's the best age for Disney World, you know, all those fun things to think about. I think if you start talking about discipline, too, you'll be ahead of the parenting trials. Let God show you through His Word His ways of raising kids. There are tons of great parenting resources out there but the best advice I can give is go to God and be consistent. No should mean no, if you say you're going to spank, leave the store, take away a toy, whatever the threat, be prepared to follow through. We all want healthy, well adjusted, happy children and discipline is one of the main keys.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Toughest Job
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:31 AM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Comic Books
Do you have a comic book fan at your house? Here's a great web site that has Bible stories in comic book form. You can also order the print versions. Check out http://www.theheroesofthefaith.com. It would be an awesome site for nonchurch kids to get into. Happy reading.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
2:25 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Great Day
The anniversary celebration for JCFC was great. We had 116 people and 41 of those were from Creek Kids and Baby Steps! It felt so good to be back at church. I was gone only two weeks, but it felt like a month. As tired as I was after service, it was worth it to hear the kids say, "Pastor Lori, I'm so glad you're back." We had several new families again. My poor husband is working so hard at remembering names, something he has always struggled with. Yesterday, he said, "Wow, I'm having to work really hard at all these new names." He's doing great, though, he knows how important it is to kids that you remember their names. Good problem to have. :)
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:46 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
This Sunday is a celebration of the first anniversary of launching Jordan Creek Family Church. I am very excited about this milestone. God has been so good to us, bringing us people who have caught the vision of the church, people who are willing to serve, people who are well into their walk with Jesus and people who are just starting their journey. All are here not by accident, but as a part of God's plan. It has been a lot of work starting a church but even more fun. I think about how much the Creek Kids members have grown, literally and spiritually and feel so blessed to be a part of God's church. Like the morning I took a pack of my girls to the restroom before church and Isabella said, "Look Pastor Lori, now I can reach the sink without you giving me a boost!" And those mornings during worship in Creek Kids when I looked down and see all those little faces with their eyes closed and hands lifted toward Heaven, worshipping Jesus with all their hearts. Big steps for little people! I think about how the Lord worked it out for me and Randy to work along side Pastor Josh and Dara and never cease to be amazed at how it all happened. I think about the people, who one year ago, I didn't even know but are now such an important part of my life. And most important, I think about the people who before JCFC didn't know Jesus and now they DO. For God's Kingdom and His Glory...Happy Anniversary JCFC.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:16 AM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Today I had the opportunity to be a part of leading a new group of people who minister to kids. Pastor Brian Bopp, children's pastor at Des moines First Assembly of God asked me to be a part of T.A.L.K., Teaching and Loving Kids. It's a networking group of children's pastors, lay leaders, volunteers, and others who serve children in some capacity at their church. It's a group for all denominations and an exciting way for all of us to work together to build the Kingdom of God. I love the fact that we may be a part of another church, but are still on the same team with the same purpose of reaching kids with the gospel. We meet monthly September through May and share ideas, resources, victories, trials and anything that helps us be better ministers. If you are a part of a children's ministry team and would like more info, let me know! We'd love to have you join us the third Thursday of each month, 11AM-1PM, at rotating churches. We bring our own lunch and "Talk"!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:16 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Big Day
Well, Texas Ranger and I had a big day today. I had three doctor appointments and for some reason, riding in the car is tough on this old gal. But it was a good news day. First of all, my blood levels are where they need to be. I had another ultra sound on my leg and the blood clot is gone - praise God. And my physical therapy session was filled with screaming and tears but I had a 50% increase on my leg extension and got 80 degrees on my bend. I'd like to tell you, I was tuckered when we got done. My good friend Angela brought us a yummy Mexican dinner and to top off the day, Micaela called with good news, too. She tried out and made a church impact team from Evangel called "Oath." Isn't God good?! He knew I needed a day of encouragement, thanks Lord. It was also good to hear that church went great yesterday even though both Randy and I were gone. We have such an awesome team of people that are always ready to go the extra mile. Thanks team, you all are the best. Stop by and see Texas Ranger and me. :)
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:05 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Okay, in all our stuff that's going on, you will think I'm nuts for the following observation. I like to watch the Today show in the morning. The much anticipated arrival of the new co-host Meredith Viera was scheduled this past Wednesday. I thought it was kinda weird that the network was bringing her in mid-week rather than fresh on Monday morning, which to me, made more sence. That is until I tuned in Monday morning. It was the 5th anniversary of 9-11 and the show was totally focused on that. It occured to me then...marketing. Meredith's arrival was to be a celebration, a new beginning and it wouldn't be great TV to start her on such a solumn day. That's good marketing. As church planters, we need to be sensitive to timing also. I hate to think that we should follow worldly examples and think of church in a business-y way, but we are smart to use some of those same strategies. Most of the time, we have ONE chance to make a good impression on a church visitor. Carefully planning and following the Holy Spirit's leading will help us to "market" our church to the seeker and help them see Jesus through us. This is all another way of redeeming worldly views and practices for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. Just an observation.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:17 AM
Good Friends
Wow, I am overwhelmed by all the love and help Randy and I are receiving these days. We know we have lots of friends who care about us, but when people take so much time out of their busy lives to help, it shows the level of caring around us. Not only are we messing with my surgery recoverey, Randy's mom is in the hospital. She had a heart attack and is showing signs of other problems. Thank you to all those who are going above and beyond to help us through this time. You all give the great example of "bearing one another's burdens" Galations 6:2. Satan will attack in whatever way he can to bring discouragement and trials but when we stand firm together, Jesus brings the victory! We have the best friends anywhere. Love you all.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:05 AM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Awesome Kids
Okay, on a lighter note. If you know our son Keaton, you know he is super funny. The kids were laughing and teasing me about having to use a walker after surgery. Keaton decided we needed to name my walker. Okay, son, I'll bite, what should we name it? Texas Ranger...Walker - Texas Ranger. Admit it, you're laughing.
Micaela told me today that she is on a powder-puff flag football team. Go Mic, please don't break anything. I'm so excited for her, she is also trying out for a school ministry team that travels and does various service things for churches across the country and does drama. Not sure how it all is incorporated, but sounds neat.
And even though he's not one of my kids, I must include a Jason Huffey hospital funny. He was totally fascinated with the commode in my room. Too bad I couldn't get one for him. :)
And my others kids, you know, my JCFC ones, did a great job on the last BGMC contest for the heaviest barrel. Miss Isabella and Mister Jaren had the top girl and boy spots. Iz's dad, Mark, wasn't too far from joking when he said we'd need a fork lift for her barrel. Way to go kids, the real winners are the boys and girls across the world who will now hear about Jesus' love for us all.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:13 PM
While in the hospital, trying not to be totally self absorbed, I prayed God would use me there. I had the opportunity to tell many people about JCFC and how much I love the church and being a pastor. I also met two women who are in life struggles that broke my heart. One woman is ending a bad relationship and has a 10 year old son. She was telling me about how her son found her crying one night and crawled up next to her on the couch. He hugged her and said not to worry, he would be her man. I hate it when kids have to pay for adult's bad decisions. But I think our conversation ministered to her and I encouraged her to get involved in a church I've heard about in the new community she's moving to. She has a friend that goes there, too. There was another nurse there who's husband is slowly dieing, he weighs over 600 pounds and has multiple heath issues. We got into a conversation about weight loss when she assumed I had knee surgery due to an accident. Here it is, four in the morning, my knee is screaming but it felt so good to give some encouragement to this women who is so frightened to lose her husband. You know it's a terrible hurt when they are in tears during work. I think she felt better by the end of our conversation, I pray she did. We all have our struggles and it sure helped me to come away from the door of the pity party I was about to enter into.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:56 PM
Home Sweet Home
I'm soooo glad to be home from the hospital. My surgery went okay but had a few set backs that kept me there for three extra days, which felt like a week. I have a new compassion for people who have knee replacement surgery. Whatever you do, TAKE CARE OF YOUR KNEES! I'd rather have gone through labor and delivery 100 times than experience what I did. Anyway, in my trial, I kept praying and telling God that although I didn't understand why I had to experience these things, I would try to trust that His ways are always better than mine. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." More later about some opportunities God gave me at the hospital. Thanks to the hundreds of people who have been praying for me. I KNOW it has been what has got me thus far. Continue to pray that my swelling will go down, the blood clot will dissolve and that I can bend my knee to a 90 degree angle.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:49 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Away From the Blog World
I'll be checking out of the blog world for a few days while I'm in the hospital for knee replacement surgery. Say a prayer for me and I'll catch up later!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:44 PM
Bible Knowledge and Kids
I'm very excited that Jordan Creek Family Church is going to have their first Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) team this year. JBQ is a great ministry for kids 3rd-6th grades to learn the Word of God. It helps them to memorize scripture, learn biblical history and doctrinal truths. The kids travel to different churches once a month for a quiz meet against other churches. It's a lot of fun and the kids make lifelong friends in JBQ. Sometimes it gets a little too competitive in my opinion so here is something to think about the reason we teach kids the Word of God. This is the study note from I Timothy 1:5 in the "The Full Life Study Bible." "The supreme goal of all instruction from God's Word is not Bible knowledge in itself, but an inward moral transformation that expresses itself in love, purity of heart, a clear conscience, and faith without hypocrisy. Concerning this truth two important facts must be kept in mind. (1) The Biblical concept of teaching and learning is not primarily to impart knowledge or to prepare oneself academically. It is to produce holiness and a righteous lifestyle, conforming to God's ways, (2) The teacher of God's Word must be someone whose life illustrates perserverance in truth, faith and holiness." What a great reminder of our goals and motivation. Let me know if you want more info about JBQ. There's a Pee Wee division also for 1st and 2nd graders!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:31 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My Girl
Sounds like Micaela's first week at Evangel University went very well. We've talked every day and she is always excited to tell me about a new person she has met or something fun they did. She visited her first church today, Hope Community Church, and she said their worship was incredible. (Probably not as good as JCFC! :-) Classes are off to a good start with a lot of homework already. Evangel had their first football game but I forgot to ask the score. Next week, she will attend her toughest class....archery. Ha Ha. Now I could have been an A student if those were the kind of classes I had to do. It's funny, when Micaela heard she had to take a PE class, she just about paniced. Then she heard they had kind of a life style fitness class that counted toward the requirement so archery and bowling saved the day. When Mic was in high school, she said she'd eat a bug every day for the rest of her life if she never had to run again. That still cracks me up whenever I think about it. She gets her athelitic ability from me. The most exciting thing she did all week was get her nose pierced again. No hoops or chains, just a cute little "diamond" stud. It's kinda quiet around here without my girl. Somebody bring me a tissue.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
5:34 PM
What a Day
Here it is, Labor Day weekend. The last three day weekend for a while and the traditional marking of the end of summer. Usually this means a low day at church, but not at JCFC! We had 102 people today! Our second highest day on a holiday. God is doing some incredible things. With my Baby Steps and Creek Kids helpers included, we had 37 in the two kid's services. I praise God for this wonderful opportunity to meet these people and help them meet Jesus. This is going to be a fall to remember. Years from now when we think about how our church has grown, I think fall of 2006 will come to mind and bring many smiles. JCFC will have it's first Junior Bible Quiz team starting this month, I have purchased our Christmas musical, and we just added more Baby Steps equipment for all those new babies. Great things are happening, hope you are a part of it all and if not, you'll jump in!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
5:22 PM