Sunday, September 03, 2006

What a Day

Here it is, Labor Day weekend. The last three day weekend for a while and the traditional marking of the end of summer. Usually this means a low day at church, but not at JCFC! We had 102 people today! Our second highest day on a holiday. God is doing some incredible things. With my Baby Steps and Creek Kids helpers included, we had 37 in the two kid's services. I praise God for this wonderful opportunity to meet these people and help them meet Jesus. This is going to be a fall to remember. Years from now when we think about how our church has grown, I think fall of 2006 will come to mind and bring many smiles. JCFC will have it's first Junior Bible Quiz team starting this month, I have purchased our Christmas musical, and we just added more Baby Steps equipment for all those new babies. Great things are happening, hope you are a part of it all and if not, you'll jump in!


amain said...

102~ that ROCKS!!! Isabella was so excited to bring her Bible to church with her today, and even more happy when her Dad marked the story of the Good Samaritan. And when Iz had her Bible with her, you KNOW Lisi had to follow suit. Both girls just got new Bibles last week at Wellspring. It was a great day to be their Mom:)
We will be praying for you, and for Dr Boulden, on wednesday:)

Lori Eilers said...

Iz and I talked about her new Bible and she was sure to point out she had the Good Samaritan marked. I said that was our story today and she of course knew that already. Thanks for your prayers, I'm sure everything will go great. As Angela pointed out, I'll have some "fancy new knees."