Monday, July 28, 2008

Belated Happy Birthday Amy

Last week was my friend Amy's birthday. This birthday blog is a little late since I was at camp and she was on vacation. We met for coffee today to catch up a little on life and, as always, our time together was great.

Amy is the most cheerful person. Even if she's going through a struggle, she is smiling and finding the silver lining. Amy is always encouraging and a true friend to so many people. I think she knows just about everyone in the Des Moines area! :)

Amy has a huge, giving heart and shares her time, talents and treasure with family, friends, church, community and more. She and her husband, Mark, sponsor a child in Africa and work on behalf of a wonderful Christ-centered ministry to young mothers-to-be called Ruth Harbor. Amy is passionate about helping those in need and is a great role model for all.

I love to listen to Amy talk about her "cutie girls", Isabella and Lisi. She is an amazing mom and you can tell her girls get the best love and care anywhere. Amy has embraced motherhood in a way that some young moms would do well to emulate. She "gets it" when it comes to the season in her life right now in raising children. Iz and Lisi will be incredible women of God as they learn from their mommy what it means to be a Christ follower.

And speaking of being a Christ follower, Amy is always growing in her faith. I respect her honesty and openness in her learning more about Jesus. With her background knowledge of Mormonism, she totally understands people who are seeking the truth about Jesus and is willing to help them come to know Christ. I've seen her be "Jesus with skin on" many times and I love that about her.

Happy belated birthday, my friend. You rock! Thanks for being such a blessing to me in innumerable ways! Love ya bunches.


amain said...

wow. thank you. I am going to keep this blog post handy on those days when I need a little 'pick me up'.
Please know that you have been an incredible role model to me as a friend, mother, wife and Christ follower these past years.
I love you, my friend!

hahainlala said...

Yep, Pastory Lori, you did a GREAT job on describing our Miss Amy:)

Although, you did forget to mention that she is the wolrds BEST "Favorite Cousin"
