Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tough Week

I have to was a tough week at camp. Camp itself was great; fun kids, new friends, old friends, lots of laughs and time with the Lord. But this past week I had to make a trip to the ER in Boone for shots for a migraine and while I was sleeping it off in my cabin, my cell phone rang. It was the associate pastor from the church in Florida telling me they had already hired a children's pastor and our trip was cancelled. So disappointing! Of course I know that means it wasn't where God wanted us but it is still frustrating that we didn't even get the chance to try out. I am trusting God but have to be honest...I am a little discouraged. I guess I am getting a new lesson in patience and keeping a positive attitude.


Aaron said...

I think the devil's working overtime to stop us from passing the baton to the next generation this summer. I have experienced discouragement and have heard many others having a difficult time also. Sometimes our wants are different than God's plans for us. Be encouraged, you are right where God wants you! Us children workers need to encourage one another.

Lori Eilers said...

Thanks Aaron! I appreciate it and think you are right about how Satan wants to side track us. We will win!!