Sunday, August 20, 2006

Creek Kids

Today in Creek Kids, our Big Idea was "I am responsible to do my part." We talked about how the Bible says to watch the ants and see how hard they work. The kids looked at me kind of funny when I said we were going to talk about ants today. :) I was really proud of their answers when I asked what they could do at home to fulfill our Big Idea. They said everything from making their beds to taking out the trash and Leighton even said, "I can obey my mom and dad." When I asked about what they could do at church to do their part, they were a little slower to answer. You see, some kids (and adults) don't think they have anything to offer as service to the church. In Creek Kids, I want them to begin a life of servanthood as soon as possible. Why, because they need to follow Jesus' example just as we do. There are tons of things you and I can do to make our church more productive and a place people want to be. After I made a few suggestions, they came up with more on their own. Smart kids! If you haven't found a place to serve at JCFC or your church, I encourage you to jump in and let God use you.