Life doesn't get much better than this! My house is clean (thanks Randy), my house smells like pumpkin (thanks me) and Micaela will be here in about four hours! We are having a house full as Mic is bringing three friends home with her! I LOVE that! Nothing like four college students to keep the house hopping and my love of feeding people fulfilled.
It's a gorgeous day here in Union City and tomorrow it's supposed to be about 60 degrees. Woot woot! I'm praying the mild weather holds for Monday's Christmas parade. We are looking forward to our first winter parade experience.
Tonight's church service will be off the hook. Pastor Tommy and Deana's son is here from Franklin, TN where his is a youth pastor and he and another buddy are joining our band for a night of praise and worship. If I ever have a jealous moment it is for people who have musical talent! Both Pastor Tommy and Pastor Justin are very musical and can sing.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Doesn't Get Much Better!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:02 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Okay, I realize that it's kinda lame that I'm doing a "thankful" blog the week of Thanksgiving, but I just can't get past the feeling that I need to publish some of the things I'm thankful for. Maybe someone will read this and be reminded of something they need to be thankful about.
1. I'm so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for His love, grace, mercy, guidance, voice, anointing, favor, healing, provision, and so much more.
2. I'm so thankful for my husband and all God has done in his life in the 28 years we've been married. He's my best friend and biggest cheerleader (minus the pompoms :0))
3. Two awesome, incredible, God-serving, loving, talented, smart and kind children. After accepting Jesus, and marrying Randy, having children was the best thing I ever did. I'm so blessed. I love you Micaela and Keaton!
4. I'm so thankful that God allows me to minister to children. Even though I've been involved with ministry for 20+ years, I still marvel that God would ask ME to love and lead children to Calvary. I don't get it but I'm sure glad He asked!
5. I'm so thankful for my church and pastoral team. They ROCK. Nuff said.
6. Friends....I am the MOST blessed person in the world because I have so many friends who love and care about me and my family. Too many to try to mention names so I won't attempt it.
7. Health! I finally have two relatively pain free knees that work oh so much better than a couple years ago. Long process but now worth it. I had another healing in my body this year that very few people know of and maybe someday I'll be able to share about it but let's just say I experienced a miracle and I praise God for it!
8. Coffee (gotta keep ya smiling!)
9. I'm so thankful for growing pains. Thank you, Lord, for stretching me to be better in all that you ask of me. It's not fun to feel pain but you always come out stronger and a little closer to Jesus.
10. I'm thankful I get to cook A LOT this week! You know me...I love to feed people.
Now it's your turn, What are you thankful for this year? My list could have been longer but you would stop reading!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:27 PM
Cool Quote
Love this quote I found on a leadership e-newsletter..."The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas."~ Linus Pauling
Lord, give me lots of ideas and Your voice to know which ones to pursue. Amen
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:09 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Where Is God?
Wednesday night service at UC First rocked! Pastor Tommy preached a message that penetrated many hearts. He preached about Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 2 when Elisha refused to stay behind while Elijah traveled on to Jericho and the Jordan. Elisha had asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit before they were separated. As Elijah was taken in a whirlwind, Elisha was indeed blessed but he cried out, "Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"
Pastor said as he was preparing for his sermon, that scripture jumped off the page at him. Many of us have asked that very same question...where is God now? Pastor then went on to say, "He's right where we put Him." He challenged us to ask ourselves about where we have placed the Lord in our lives and hearts. Is He really first? Or is He where many of us have Him...on call only when life gets tough or our wish list needs fulfilled.
Lord, let me press in and find you close in all parts of my life. May I feel your presence in every second of my day because I'm seeking You regularly and You are faithful hear my voice. May you find me as faithful as Elisha and may I be used by You in a way that blesses Your Kingdom. Amen
Posted by
Lori Eilers
6:52 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Moment of Thanks
I'm sitting in my office and am up to my elbows in "stuff" to do but had to stop for a moment to give thanks. This morning in prayer, God spoke to me in a powerful way about ordering my day. I am by definition a "get 'er done gal" but God showed me I need to delegate more and focus on the things only I can do. Sometimes it's easier to just do whatever needs done instead of calling someone else to do it but I need to be better at that. I am thankful for the reminder, Lord.
Also, while I was typing the Kid's Inc. bulletin, I put in a new kid's worship CD that someone gave me. I was kinda listening and then got to the part of the bulletin that says "Next week's message" and prayed, Lord, what would You have me to preach about next Sunday? I stopped typing and opened my Bible to Romans chapter one and began to read. The scripture Romans 1:16 jumped off the page; "I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Just then, the Newsboys song I Am Free started to play (incredible song!) and God showed me the Big Idea for next week - I am FREE and NOT ashamed. Ideas are flowing!
I am so thankful for the voice of God. How do people live without Jesus and the Holy Spirit? I mess up enough WITH Jesus in my life, I can't imagine what a mess I'd be without Him. :)
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:08 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
Amazing Kids
My kids are amazing! Anyone who has been in one of my kid's services knows that we always have a Big Idea for the day. It is the main point of whatever I'm preaching...a catchy phrase to help them remember what we are learning. Yesterday, as service was starting, one of the kids raised their hands and said, "Pastor Lori, I know last week's Big Idea." After she told me what it was, another child raised his hand and said, "I remember the one before." One by one someone told me each of the Big Ideas from every week since I came to Union City! I was sooooo proud of them! For kids to remember something from 7 or 8 weeks before was so cool...such a God thing. It brought tears to my eyes and blessed me so much that God is working in their hearts and minds. I've said it many times before; sometimes you just don't know if kids are "getting it."
We had a breakthrough in our Christmas music practice, too. All of a sudden, they are actually singing the words! Yippee. All the lines are assigned and I think most are happy campers. It helps to constantly remind them that Jesus is the "star" and all of their jobs are equally important in presenting the Gospel. Pastor Tommy has given me the option to preach a short message during the program, too. I always get so nervous preaching to adults but I believe the Lord is giving me a message to share that day. I'm praying He speaks clearly to me about sharing as I want it all to be in His plan for the day. If He does allow me to speak, God gave me a cool idea for a visual example. Hard to believe the holidays are approaching so fast!
I'm looking forward to something new for the Eilers' family this holiday season. We will experience our first Christmas parade! Yes, with the milder winter weather, you can actually do things like that in the south! We are planning Union City First Assembly's float as we want to be a part of all the fun. I think we'll keep it pretty simple and of course throw out a bunch of candy. We have an 18 foot trailer lined up and a warehouse to park it in to decorate. Should be a blast and a perfect time to build some more relationships with families.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
6:04 AM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Deana
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:27 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Power of Caring
I love this city. I have NEVER been burdened for a city like I am for Union City. Today, we experienced the power of caring for people. There is something about meeting people's most basic needs that humbles my soul and reminds me how very blessed I am. We at UC First Assembly had our annual community outreach today where we physically show the people of our city how much we love them.
We set up the activities building with banquet tables filled to overflowing with clothing and household items. We had clothes hanging along the walls, also and even a few pieces of furniture. We invited people to come and "shop" for FREE for anything they need and there was no limit to how much they could have. Our congregation was so incredibly generous with items; some even had prices tags still on them. As the shoppers "checked out" and we bagged their treasures, we got to chit chat and introduce ourselves. One particular gal was so happy and thankful. Brenda told me how she and her husband had both lost their jobs and that her shopping day at UC First AG was the only Christmas they would have this year. We told her how happy we were to be a blessing and told her not to forget her Thanksgiving groceries when she was ready to leave. She about fainted when she found out she would be getting groceries, too! We had a prayer team ready to agree with folks about any needs they may have and I don't believe a single family refused our prayer times. I personally got to pray with Brenda and I know the Lord really touched her as I saw peace come over her face. I helped her carry her items to her car and she made me cry when she humbly asked if she could have a hug. I think I about hugged the stuffin' right out of her!
Over 100 families came through the church today. Thank you Jesus for setting an example of real, practical ways to love others and in turn be your hand extended. I pray we not only helped cloth and feed many people but they found hope through you, Lord. Thanks for using heart is so full! Amen
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:44 PM
Friday, November 07, 2008
Funnest Day Off!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:09 PM
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Outside of the New Digs
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:11 PM
School Program
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:54 PM
God's Promise
Last night we had a wonderful sermon of encouragement and a refreshing worship and prayer time. Our Wednesday night service is always powerful. Pastor Tommy preached from Deuteronomy 28...the blessings of obedience. It has always been one of my favorite passages and I can recite some of it as I've read it so often. We had a prophetic word in a service recently and part of it was the verse in Deuteronomy 28 that says we are "the head, not the tail." Pastor preached about our faithfulness in all things and how we need to not be discouraged by the cares of this world. We need to remember who we are in Christ! We had a few testimonies about how God has blessed faithfulness and it was wonderful to hear some of our friend's victories. I feel like we have been living "the blessings of obedience" these past few months. After a tough year, God restored so much and it's not because we are wonderful people but because we didn't give up and kept Jesus first in our lives.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:56 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Amazing Day
Yesterday was so refreshing. Yes, it was a long day of meetings, calendar planning and a hospital visit but it was also a day of prayer. Monday's are staff meeting days for us and Pastor Tommy, Pastor Justin, Hope and I all spent about an hour together praying over our church, community, families, and each other. I have met few people in my life who pray as my pastor does. If you feel you are struggling to get God's attention, call Pastor Tommy....he gets God's attention! I love to pray with my tribe and come together and agree about the needs we have or know of.
Our calendar planning for 2009 went well and we have many opportunities set out to minister to our community. Not just stuff to fill the calendar but things that are intentional in reaching out. For instance, this Sunday we will be setting up for our annual community shopping day. We get people to donate clothing and household items, set up the activities building like a store, and have people come and shop for FREE. We also have all the food items they need for Thanksgiving dinner all bagged up and ready for them. And most importantly, we have a prayer station where we can pray with people before they leave. The whole church comes together for this outreach and with a lot of team work, we will reach hundreds of people with the practical love of Christ. Jesus with skin on!
Last night, we had a two hour Sacred Assembly to pray for our country and today's elections. Those two hours went so fast! Many came and several led out in prayer for different areas of need and for our country as a whole. We had an amazing time of worship. The minute you set foot in the sanctuary you could feel God's presence in a powerful way. Whatever happens today, God is in control!! He will not be surprised by the outcome, He has always known the end result. God's will be done!
We went together as a staff to visit the newest member of First Assembly. Baby Beverly Mae made her appearance a little early but a-okay. She's a sweet little peanut who I got to hold and introduce myself to. I told her we were gonna have lots of fun together learning about Jesus. I LOVE those moments as a children's pastor!
Finished the day off with a little Chinese food with my hunky husband, favorite pastor and my new girlfriend, Deana. Nothing like good food and the fellowship of friends!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
8:32 AM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Giant Haystack
Posted by
Lori Eilers
2:57 PM