Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dancing Queen

Friday night, I had the opportunity to go to Adele's dance recital at the Des Moines Civic Center. have never seen to many costumes, mascara enhanced lashes and CUTE kids!! I told Adele's parents that we were in the wrong business. Costumers must make bizillions! Some of the older girls were in 6 or 7 different performances with a new costume for each. It was so fun to watch the littlest ones. Of course, Adele was the cutest out of the hundreds of kids there! There was one little boy about 4 years old that was in a number where they wore circus ringmaster costumes. Super cute but he had one mission in mind...he spun in a circle through the whole number much to the amusement of the audience. I imagine his mother, who paid lots of $$ for lessons and costume, didn't think it was quite so adorable. :) Adele was a super star, I'm sure she will have an agent by the time she's 6. :)
Also....I am WAY pumped that Paul and Sandy are joining the Creek Kids team to help in service once a month! Sweet.