Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tough Day at the "Office"

Well...somebody has to do it! How cool is it that I get to crash mom's group and love on all those ankle bitters? We have a Life Group for moms twice a month where we get together and sometimes just hang out and let the kids do their thing and sometimes have destination days. Today we were on a Father's Day mission. All the kids made Father's Day cards for all those incredible JCFC dads. Thanks Amy for hosting! She even made lattes for us - doesn't get much better than that. We had some new faces today which is always a BONUS. :)
Next Mom's Group is June 26 when we will meet at Blank Park Zoo. Join us at 10:30 for some good times. Bring a friend or two.


Jenn said...

We wouldn't know what to do without you there, thanks for sharing the baby holding with me!