Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I Scream for Ice Cream

We had a great time tonight with a wonderful family, the Sustala Clan. We had our celebratory ice cream date for the winner of the heaviest Buddy Barrel from Sir Jacob of Sustala. The whole fam, including Mister Randy and Micaela, met at Jordan Creek Mall for a little Cold Stone action. Yowza, I think you could gain five pounds just standing in line at that place. :)

The Sustalas are one of those families that every church plant dreams to have. They are dedicated to the Lord, creative, passionate, giving, hardworking and just plain FUN! Thanks for sharing your evening with us. Sooo cute! The kids, Ed, not you!


Angela said...

We had a great time - the kids are still talking about their "date with Pastor Lori" this morning! Thanks for ALL you do!! You're the BEST!

amain said...

I will NOT be sharing this blog post with Isabella who would be totally bummed to be missing out on both time with Pastor Lori & Mr Randy AND ice cream!!!
Again, way to go Jake My Man!