Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

I have to say that my husband of nearly 27 years is the most amazing father. He always had so much patience with Micaela and Keaton, always took time to play with them after work or school, was great to help with homework and was consistent in his discipline. The thing that sticks out in my memory though, is what a great listener he has always been. He is often times slow to speak and therefore better at listening than most. I admire that in a person. It's something that I try to work on but comes naturally for Randy. He could sit forever just listening to Micaela talk about all the things girls love to talk about, even if he had no idea what or who it was. He would listen as Keaton explained the new play of the week in football or express his frustration over something. His reward now are two adult children who are not perfect but are serving God, great people, faithful, giving and fun to be around. Micaela is at that age where she would like to find a husband but has not ever compromised her high standards or expectations to get one. She knows what to look for having had the best dad! Lord help the guy she falls for...he has a tough example to live up to! :) Keaton in turn will be a great dad because of the example Randy set. It's funny to listen to both of the kids talk about how they will parent their own kids. Happy Father's Day Randy. Thanks for being such a wonderful partner.


amain said...

Many thanks to Mr Randy for the amazing example he sets for ALL of our kids~ he sure does have QUITE the fan club!!!
Happy Father's Day!