Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Inviting People

I've been watching for opportunities to invite more people to church and have decided that I needed to be more bold in my approach. I mean, come on, when people find out I am a pastor they pretty much expect me to invite them to church....right?!

I was at the church office today to sign for a delivery and a super nice guy was driving the truck. We had to make several trips up the elevator and got to talking. I told him about the church and he was a little confused at first about how it all worked but after I explained it, he seemed intrigued. I invited him to come check it out and he said, "I gotta be honest with you..I'm not really into church. I haven't been since I was like 6 or something." My boldness kicked in and I countered with, "Well, it's a good time for you to try it again. It's only one Sunday for a little more than and hour and what do you have to lose? I tell you what, you come check us out and when you get there ask for Pastor Lori cuz I'm gonna take you to lunch for visiting." He had a pretty stunned look on his face but I told him I meant it! So say a prayer that James will visit JCFC and we have the privilege of buying him some lunch!


becky said...

that's so awesome...it's amazing how many opportunities we really do have to invite people to church

amain said...

you ROCK, Pastor Lori!
You know I will have my eyes peeled for him!!