Friday, August 17, 2007


I had an interesting conversation with a neighbor yesterday. We had met several months ago in the apartment business center. We discovered we were both Christ followers and talked about church, missions, my recent knee surgeries, and all kinds of stuff. I hadn't seen him in quite a while and he immediately noticed my knee brace and asked about it. I gave him the update and we got to talking about healing. I told him it was sometimes hard to understand why God hasn't instantly healed my knee, but I was sure He had a plan in all that was happening. He went on to say that he had been very sick to his stomach for a period of time and finally decided to go to the doctor. He said as soon as he walked into the waiting room, his stomach felt better. He had the thought, "Okay, what now, why am I here?" He looked up and saw a women he had met several years prior and went to greet her. He said he really believed that God wanted him there that day to be an encouragement to that woman. He then said something that gave me new perspective, "Maybe God is using your knee to get to someone you need to witness to." It was like that V-8 commercial when the people who turned down their veggies get smacked in the head!! I am now refocusing my trial to an offensive mission to be on the look out for that person I need to come in contact with. Satan would love for me to focus on the pain, discomfort, activity limiting nonsense, but I am so over that! So...on to the new surgeon they want me to see and to that divine appointment that I'm believing for.


becky said...

great attitude! I love hearing stories like that, what great motivation to keep perservering

Anonymous said...

Wow, exactly as your title reads...Perspective. Good to for me to remember. Thank you!