Friday, August 29, 2008


The congrats have been rolling in! Thanks to all who have taken time to send an e-mail, leave a comment, or call to wish us well and give a shout out to the Lord! We sure appreciate how encouraging y'all have been. See....I'll fit in with the Tennessee crowd. :)

Still don't have a move date but we won't keep it a secret. God is so good. He is already adjusting my thinking from "How can we leave the kids and everyone else?" to "Boy, I sure hope we can get down to UC quickly...I've got some great ideas brewing!"

I've been working extra hours trying to get everything set for Pastor BBopp when I leave in case he doesn't have a replacement. I have all my paid positions for the school year hired and a jump on the October nursery schedule! I even got the Sam's Club run done to stock up on all that baby stuff and Gold Fish crackers! I don't know what I'd do without e-mail. Scary thought.

Pastor Tommy's wife Deana called today to say she was out apartment hunting for us! How sweet is that? I can tell you this...the rent in UC is WAAAAAY cheaper than WDM. Yippee.