Friday, December 15, 2006

Already Blessed

The big program hasn't even happened yet, and already I've been so blessed by it. What I mean is that I've gotten to spend some extra time with the kids, I've gotten to know some parents better than I had, and parents have been giving me such positive feed back about things that are happening and being said in the preparations. Everyone has had such servant attitudes and have gone the extra mile to help me prepare. I'm so thankful for you all and how everyone is working as a team to "get 'er done." Sandy May is helping me in a huge way by being on the stage with the kids, helping to direct where the kids need to stand, etc. Her daughter, Adele, said the cutest thing..."Mommy, I'm so glad you get to be a stage girl!" I laughed out loud when I read that in an e-mail from Sandy. How cute is that? Just a couple more days of listening to the CD moms and dads, then you can go back to your favorites. Since you all know the songs so well, you're welcome to sing along on Sunday! :)