Sunday, July 29, 2007

Keaton's VBS

Angela's boys hiding so they didn't have to do cheerleading!
Go team!
Pastor Keaton getting ready to teach a cheer.

I took some time Thursday morning and drove to Montezuma to crash Keaton's VBS. I hadn't been out to his church, Community Hope, for quite a while and wanted to give our boy some encouragement. I picked up the Albers clan from Runnels and off we went on our adventure. Keaton did an awesome job organizing (as usual) and had a great turnout of about 60 kids. They did a sports camp theme, which works so well for them since their church building is right next door to the elementary school and it's fields! It was fun to see Keaton's pastor, Todd Jones, and family who happen to be old friends of ours. Angela's kids were so great and they always crack me up. Isaiah was so excited to get to go and see his fav Pastor Keaton that Angela said he was up and ready to leave the house at 6:30 AM! He was sorely disappointed to hear Pastor Lori wasn't arriving until 7:45. Loved seeing my boy in action! Makes his momma very proud! Even when he taught the cheerleading section of the sports camp. :)


Angela said...
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Angela said...

You forgot about the buffalo!!!!!!!
Thanks for taking us, we had a blast!