Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crazy Daughter

Okay, just when you think you have taught your children to make wise choices, they go and do something like this! Micaela decided to go bridge jumping last spring while still at Evangel. I cannot believe her! I get nervous standing on a chair! I have threatened her with a beating if she ever does it again!! I'll never forget that phone call...."Mom, guess what I did today?"

Last school year she also received a concussion playing powder puff football and hyper extended her elbow playing in the snow with some friends. We won't even discuss how much that doctor bill was. :) Gotta love her spunk...or whatever you call it!


Jenn said...

That picture is amazing. Looks like she's just standing on air. I'm with you, I would never EVER jump like that, I hate heights.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at this picture makes me shaky. I hate heights as well!