Thursday, September 20, 2007

Operation Christmas Child

I'm excited to have received our kit to participate in Operation Christmas Child this year. If you have never heard about OCC, it's a simple way to bless a child somewhere in the world with a Christmas gift that also helps them know the true meaning of Christmas. I have everything we need to get involved! It's super easy...start with an average size shoe box (the $1 plastic one's at Target or Walmart work, too!), you choose an age category and whether you want to bless a boy or a girl. Then fill the box with small toys, personal items and $7 to cover shipping costs. Bring them to church and I will take them to the distribution point the week of November 12-19. I will be sending home the print info with the kids in their Creek Kids bags so you can see all the details. I'll be bringing a sample box to church in the next week in case you want some ideas. What a great family project and an inexpensive way to teach our kids about missions and giving.


I'd rather be caving! said...

A few years back my parents did this at their church. My neice wanted to put in a pair of 'BRIGHT' pink slippers. This was not on the list and her parents and Grandma (my mother) kinda fought her on it. But my Neice was and still is very stuborn. She got her way and put them in.
About 4 months later my folks heard the president of Operation Christmas Child speak and he told a story of a little girl who was praying that God would give her a certain gift. This little girls mother knew that the item was not a normal gift for these boxes and didn't want to get her daughters hopes up, but this little girl was persistant that God would get them for her...
Guess who got the box with 'BRIGHT' Pink slippers... this little girl and that was what she knew God would get her.
God is amazing! And uses these boxes!

Lori Eilers said...

That is so awesome...thanks Curtis!