I have this amazing friend back in Des Moines named Angela Albers. She and her husband Scott have seven...yes I said seven, children from ages 1-18. They had four birth kids and then decided they had way too much love left over so they took in three foster kids who they have now adopted. Angela and Scott are super involved in their church, Berean Assembly of God. They both work in children's church every Sunday and teach in Rangers and M'Pact Girls plus whatever other kid's events are going on. I had the honor of working with them when I was a part of the Berean team for 7 1/2 yrs. They are every children's pastor's dream to have on the team!!
Angela has started a new outreach through their church called Drops of Hope. They invite area foster care parents to drop off their kids for a couple of hours of food, games, love and fun. What a GREAT idea! The church needs to be doing things like this; reaching out to families and meeting needs that no one else meets. Some churches may not want to accommodate these kids because of stereotypical thoughts of misbehaved, unruly scoundrels but these kids desperately need the love of Christ. For some, Jesus will be the only friend or advocate they may have in their life.
So to Angela and crew....BRAVO, way to go Idaho, nicely done, and a long distance pound! I can't wait to hear more details and of all the victories that are coming!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
This Deserves a Shout Out AND a Woot Woot
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:32 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Releasing Kids to Minister
The Lord has been speaking to me during my prayer time about involving and training kids in ministry areas. It's always cool how God will impress something upon your heart and then in turn confirm it through another person or maybe something we read. I am always reevaluating what we do in the kids' Sunday morning worship experience and it was during my prayer and reflection that God spoke about making our worship time different. Then today I received a newsletter from GPH with ministry ideas and they had a great article about that same issue..letting kids be the church! Awesome confirmation to what I felt God showing me needed to be done.
We try to involve the kids in parts of service but I need to give the kids additional opportunities to let God use them. I've already contacted one parent about their child being a "backup" singer during worship. I will be super careful about who I ask to do up front ministry. I tell the kids all the time that the scripture says in Luke 12:48, "to whom much is given, from him much will be required" NKJV The child I asked already loves to worship and has a musical gift so it will be just a matter of discipling her in ministering through her gift. I believe that she, in turn, will be a great example of freedom in worship and involve kids that maybe won't respond to my modeling worship.
If I want to turn over well discipled kids to our youth pastor, then I need to be making sure they know why and HOW we serve within our church, in our community, and in their circle of influence.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
10:24 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Are You Kidding Me??!!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
5:16 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Kids Are So Funny
I just got a letter in the church mail box from one of the new kids at church. I had sent her a kids bulletin and a note after she had missed a Sunday and so she wrote me back. Evidently she has been told she would be limited in her postage stamp usage because she asked, "Oh, and can you try to send me some stamps?" Made me laugh!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
3:57 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday Tidbits
Getting close to revealing the new children's church name and logo. Micaela is doing an amazing job on the design...as I knew she would. I'm super excited about it.
Don't forget Family Game Night at 6 PM tonight! Bring some munchies and your fav game. I feel like some cribbage! Pastor Tommy was talking about a marbles game that brought back memories! Our friends the Werners made us a marble board one year for Christmas and called it "Whahoo" and that's what pastor called it, too! So funny cuz I had never heard it called that by anyone else but the Werners and pastor! Now where did I put that board?
My gym time is going well. Of course, I want to see instant results but I'm sticking with it! Why do guys think when they see a woman lifting weights that they need to "help" you? Grrrrr. Now if I could just give up Snappy's Pizza I'd be doing better! Don't ask me to give up Los Pino's, though...gotta have my chips and salsa!
Praying for Keaton to find a car. He had a mishap with snow, wind, and typical Iowa roads and ended up in a ditch. He's okay but not so for his car! I'm actually praying that someone will give him a car. No, I'm not crazy! Nothing is impossible with God and He knows as a Missionary Associate that Keaton has no disposable money! (Who does?) Thanks, in advance, for the blessing, Lord.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:50 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Life, Leadership and Stuff
I seem to be lagging in my blog posting but I have been in leadership mode for the past couple of weeks. I have officially assumed the full responsibility for our nursery so I have been writing policy and procedure manuals, parent handbooks and doing some training. We had a great turn out at the first training session last night. I had the privilege of cooking dinner for about 27 people and cast some vision for the nursery expansion. I am so blessed! The team was all on board and seemed excited for our preparing to take it to the next level. I'll have a repeat training Saturday morning for the rest of the team and make some yummy breakfast. My pastor has some great ideas for some physical changes in the nursery complex that will make it run more efficient and have the added benefit of better security. We may have to wait a bit to pursue them but at least we have some ideas and aren't locked into the way it is right now. Our set up isn't bad...just getting too small. I love growing pains. Not only does it keep us thinking and stretching our minds, it causes us to be on our knees more and to be taking steps of faith. Like Mark Batterson says...It's risky to play it safe!
This Friday night, we are having "Family Game Night" in the activities building. I thought it would be fun for families to just hang out, play some Uno or Monopoly, eat snacks, and just relax with friends! Another great advantage is that people can invite unchurched or dechurched friends and family for a casual time to get to know some of the people in our church. I thought only families with kids would be interested but it's awesome to see the sign-up sheet with people from ALL age groups coming to have fun! If you're in the neighborhood, stop by and hang out! Randy invited a family that just moved here from Iowa!!! The dad works with Randy and they are planning to check out our services, too.
Pastor felt led to start a Saturday night prayer time at the church. We meet from 6-7 and just pray about any needs the Lord impresses us with. It's been a powerful couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to this Saturday night again.
I joined a gym!! I'm so tired of feeling fat! This whole knee journey sure didn't help my body. I'm excited to be at least trying to get back into a more comfortable size. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I stayed at my current size but I just don't feel well. It felt good to walk the treadmill and lift weights again. I love that sore feeling the next day! Crazy, I know but it feels like I have accomplished something good for myself. I've been learning a lot from my pastor about longevity in ministry! It's my desire to serve Jesus until He returns so I need to take better care of me. That means more sleep, too and that's a tough one. I just don't seem to to able to consistently sleep well. Maybe working out will help. At least I get some added prayer time. :) Anyway...I'm hoping to be back down to my "fighting weight" by summer. I miss my old clothes. The knee is taking it well...PTL!
I start preaching about Joseph this weekend and I'm pumped! I was studying his life today and was in awe all over again how God moved in his dreams and his difficulties. So many lessons from one man's life. I think it may take three weeks to get through all I'm feeling the Holy Spirit wants me to cover. I should have video taped the kids' faces this past Sunday as I preached about the testing of Abraham when God told him to sacrific Isaac. They had their jaws in their laps as I told the story. I don't think one single kid had ever heard the story. Confirms what I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me about Bible basics this year. Besides...who doesn't love preaching from the Old Testament. Get's me goin'!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:02 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Kid's Inc. or.....
I haven't written about Kid's Inc. for awhile and I'm excited about where God is leading us on Sunday mornings. Our Sunday 5 PM discipleship classes are heading in the right direction and the team is really getting behind pastor's vision for making life-long disciples.
We are discovering all of the Superheroes of the Bible in Kid's Inc. We started with Noah a few weeks ago and are working our way through the Old Testament. The Lord has been speaking to me about making sure the kids know the "Bible basics" and He showed me how to accomplish that using the superheroes. Tomorrow, I'm preaching part II of Abraham. Then onto Joseph which will take a few weeks. I haven't preached about Joseph for a long time so I'm really pumped about that! There is so much that we can take from Joseph's journey. My series is called Joseph - The Dreams and the Difficulties.
Our Sunday PM discipleship classes are growing! Our vans are full and we have families that have never come to discipleship classes now faithfully coming. Another awesome addition was a young couples class that pastor felt led to start. It's a big hit! I had a discipleship teachers and helpers dinner meeting at our house Monday night and it went very well. I am so blessed to have such a great team of people who love children and do a great job of pouring into their lives.
I've been praying about changing the name of our children's church from Kid's Inc. to something else. Not that I don't like the name but have just felt it needed a new start in many ways and the name can be a good place to begin. The gals that had been leading the Sunday morning services did such a great job with the kids and are still my right hand peeps on Sunday mornings but the name wasn't even theirs. So....as soon as my talented daughter finishes our new logo, I'll reveal the new name! It's not that re-branding the department is going to make the move of the Holy Spirit any more real, but sometimes a fresh start can be the catalyst to new thinking and reviving our spiritual walk.
Last week, four kids accepted Jesus into their lives. It never gets old. The thrill of watching their faces as they "get it"...understanding what Jesus did for all mankind. The emotion of leading that sinners prayer. The serious responsibility of taking them aside and making sure they understand what just happened and personally encouraging them to grow in the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, faithfully attending church and hanging out with like-minded believers in and out of church. I take that part of the service VERY seriously. I will stand before God one day and make an account for each of the lives the Lord has allowed me to be a part of. That thought alone keeps me on my knees.
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:03 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
People of Prayer
I was going to write a post about the awesome message we had at church last night but I don't need to. Just link here to Pastor Tommy's blog and read his outline for yourself! I told him I have heard a hundred sermons on prayer but it was the best I'd ever heard.
I have to say, not as a boast, but as an encouragement, it is incredible how much closer to the Lord I feel since I have gone deeper in my prayer life. Pastor Tommy hit a sore spot with many when he said that we all have used the "I'm too busy to pray an hour a day" excuse. I promise you that if you commit some time (15 minutes, half an hour, an hour...) every day to prayer, God will bless the rest of your day and you won't even miss the time you gave to prayer! I always have a more productive day when I start out praying for a while. Do I pray for an hour every day? Not always but some days it's more than an hour and maybe not all at once.
Enjoy Pastor Tommy's post! Let God speak to you about how you can go deeper in your prayer life. I KNOW you'll have a testimony of something great that comes of a prayer commitment!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
11:04 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bathroom Epiphanies
What is it with me, Jesus and the bathroom? I get more answers to prayer, ideas and hearing the voice of God while in the bathroom than seems "normal." I mean, come on, I spend time in prayer every morning at the church and don't get me wrong...I hear from the Lord while I'm praying at church but what is the deal? God spoke my ministry call scripture to me while in the bathroom. (1 Peter 4:10) He told me when it was time to move to Tennessee while drying my hair. (Don't wait for Randy's job, just GO) He has given me countless sermons while taking a shower. And today he gave me the idea, title and whole outline of a workshop I've been asked to lead at a Tennessee district training for children's ministry peeps. I think I'm just gonna sit in the bathroom for a couple of hours everyday and listen! Whatever works, right?! Where does God inspire you?
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:51 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sooooo Thankful!
I'm sure some people get tired of hearing me say it, but I will not stop, nor will I apologize! I LOVE MY JOB! Monday meetings get me fired up. Sure, we have business to take care of, but it's so great to come together and celebrate victories, brain storm ideas and problems, and encourage each other. I never get tired of hearing the vision God has set before us. It's hard to explain but the vision for our city is starting to be a part of my DNA. Soooo exciting!
I told Pastor Tommy and Pastor Justin today that I don't fully understand why God has chosen to bless me in so many ways but I'm ever so thankful that He led me here and is allowing me to do full time ministry. I do not take that lightly....I know what it's like to wait many years to have this opportunity. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He wants me HERE and He is helping me lead children to Jesus but I also know there are many others who have more "talents" than I and yet God still chose me. I get teary-eyed every time I think about it. Pastor said that the Lord is blessing me now for many years of faithfulness and He has been grooming me for such a time as this and for Union City First Assembly of God.
I'm also excited that I will be starting classes soon to advance to the licensing level of my credentials. I only have five classes left to be licensed plus the mandatory internship that Pastor Tommy will help me with. I could start the ordination level of classes this fall! Can I get a woot woot?! It's not necessarily about being "ordained", although it does give me a voice in a broader sense, but that I feel it shows the level of commitment to what God has called me to do. I'm going all the way for Jesus.
Lord, I am so full of thankfulness and gratitude. I will continue to praise you for calling me and using me in Union City. I want to constantly hear Your voice, do Your will, and win hundreds of boys and girls to You! I humbly ask you to fill me with Your creative thoughts and order my steps. Thank You for the favor You have granted me in this city and for expanding my territory. I praise you for surrounding me with fellow servants who lift me up in prayer and encourage me. May all I say and do bring glory to You!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
7:35 PM
TP Rant
You MUST read Keaton's blog post here! He always has an interesting slant on life. That's my boy!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:44 PM
Monday, January 05, 2009
A Few Thoughts and Happy Birthday
Happy New Year all. And Happy Birthday to my hunky husband! Randy turns 54 tomorrow, January 6. I thank God for my husband! He is an amazing person who gives me unconditional love and support. Without his encouragement and willingness to obey God, we may not be in the place we are now. I do not know many men who would leave their job, home state, adult children, friends and family to move to a far away state so their wife could be a pastor. Thank you, baby! I pray you have a wonderful birthday....even though you have to work and we are apart from the kids.
We had an incredible first night of prayer at the church tonight. We have set aside this week to come together each evening for some corporate prayer with whomever can come. The presence of God was in that place! I have been so blessed to be a part of some awesome churches but never one that prays like Union City First Assembly of God. I don't say that as a brag but as a praise to the Lord for bringing leadership to that place and instilling the passion of prayer in so many.
Our great niece, Lilee, is very sick and is in the hospital for some testing. Please pray for her! She is only 4 yrs. old and had a seizure that so far is unexplained. Our nephew and his wife need the Lord's peace in all this.
A friend of mine from high school passed away this morning. Jim was only 48 years old and had battled colon cancer for 6 1/2 years. The cancer had spread to his liver and eventually his brain and he fought a very brave a faith-filled fight. Jim was the pastor at a Nazarene church in Oregon but was born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa. Jim won many people to the Lord through his treatments and testimony of God's grace and goodness. Pray for his wife, Becky, and three daughters. I'm sure he has already heard the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
2009 is gonna be a great year! Thank you Jesus for one more day, month, year to serve you. Use me, God, however you see fit and stretch me in ways I didn't think I could be. Renew a right spirit in me and let me hear your voice in the quiet and even in the noise of the day. Stir me in my sleep that even while I slumber I whisper your name and have praise on my lips. Guide my every step and make my words useful, worthy of speaking and encouraging to all but especially pleasing to you. Help me to duplicate myself and pour into others as I have been blessed to be poured into by so many. Help me to love boys and girls into your Kingdom. I cannot do anything without you, Lord. Speak through me this new year and give me your creativeness to convey your message. Thank you Lord for 2009!
Posted by
Lori Eilers
9:22 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009
Catch Up
Posted by
Lori Eilers
4:21 PM