Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are You Kidding Me??!!

I love Tennessee but am a little annoyed at the moment. Yes, your normally mild mannered children's pastor is not a happy camper right now. The above pictures are not of our former state of my friends they are new pics in the front yard of our house in supposed-to-be-mild-winter Tennessee! We had a doozy of an ice storm! We are now coming up on 24 hours with no power, heat or anything! Most of the county has been without and some even longer than us. We slept at home last night but tonight I think we are going to stay at Pastor and Deana's house. They don't have power either but do have propane heat! Our poor trees are in sad shape. Everywhere you drive there are tons of branches down. I think by the weekend we are supposed to be above freezing, thank God.

Okay...attitude adjustment...tantrum over...I'm still thankful! I know Iowa has had it 50 times worse. I'm writing this from my toasty warm office where I still have internet access and lights. I can take a nice hot shower next door in the activities building and the coffee shop didn't loose power. Life really is good...just a bump in the road. I feel better. I always do after a little rant. :)


Lori Eilers said...

Power is back on!! PTL