Friday, May 04, 2007

The Voice of God

Okay, am I weird or does anyone else have this kind of communication with the Lord? I'm in the kitchen getting some leftover meatloaf for lunch and got the ketchup bottle out of the fridge. Heinz...we buy only Heinz. I had the thought, "There are some things you don't buy in the store brand. IE, it's gotta be Hellmann's mayo, Hidden Valley Ranch dressing, AE chip dip, etc." As I'm thinking that, I hear that voice..."It's just like my Word. Podcasts, sermon CD's and other books just aren't the same as reading your Bible." Wow, guess He told me. I try to listen to podcasts and sermons while I'm driving and try to read stuff on ministry and leadership but if I read my Bible more, I would get even more benefit. All those other things are good but not like the original. I remembered we have the Bible on CD so I got it out to use in the car. I feel like I need to be accountable for this so when you see me, please occasionally ask what or where I'm reading in the Bible. Anyone else have those conversations with God?


Angela said...

All the time! God always seems to be 'bustin my chops' about something! Of course, I NEED it, but that's beside the point! :-)
GREAT reminder for all of us to keep the main thing the main thing!