Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May Baskets

I wanted an additional way to thank our Easter Egg Hunt attenders that are not a regular part of JCFC and the Lord gave me an idea. May Day Baskets! Who doesn't love a May Day surprise? Sandy donated the stickers, bags and tissue paper, Amy helped me put them together with the treats and make some gift tags and Sandy and I delivered them. Thanks for your help girls! I prayed these simple little expressions of gratitude and love will bless the families that received them.

I told Awnna this story...I remember one May Day when I was in 1st grade and I was very sick with the mumps. I was so sad that I couldn't be a part of the fun but my day was made by the little 1st grade boy down the street. I had a crush on him, his name was Dick Ludwig and he was the object of every girl's affection. He brought me a May Basket with popcorn, candy and my FAVORITE flowers, purple lilacs! It made my heart go pitter patter! :) I didn't tell Awnna about the pitter patter part. After all, I'm always telling the girls the only "boyfriend" they need is Jesus!