Monday, March 19, 2007

Quoting Scripture at How Old?

Last week at mom's group and then at church yesterday, I witnessed something amazing. One of our sweet toddlers, Ava, who is not quite two, can already quote scripture. She is such a cutie, reminds me of Micaela when she was that age, but this was so precious. Way to go mom and dad. Ava has quoted two different verses to me and they weren't little 3 or 4 word verses, either. I can see a future Bible quizzer emerging. :)

Children are at their peek of memorization skills when they are between 3rd and 6th grades. That is why it is so much more difficult for most adults to memorize scripture. It's never too early to start teaching your kids the Word. Why not, we have them memorize their ABC's and counting? I don't like to see parents who are Nazi's about it but I think a healthy encouragement of memorizing scripture can birth an early love for the Word and something they will have for their whole lives.