Thursday, April 05, 2007

God's Favor

I am PUMPED! The Community Easter Egg Hunt is building into an incredible event. Yesterday, I got the WDM section of the DM Register and discovered our egg hunt was on the FRONT PAGE. SWEEEEET! Then this afternoon, the DM Register called me to say they would have a photographer there. I have been scoping out the clearance isles for awesome prizes for the give-aways and today I scored BIG. 75% off, baby, and they are awesome toys - not junk. We are down to a couple hundred eggs to fill so they will be done tonight. The Lord has been blessing us with many willing hands to help and people have really gone the extra mile. I guess our February virtue of Service in The Buzz really hit home with the folks at JCFC. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all the help I've had! But the thing I'm most thankful for is God's favor in all this. He has been so faithful to lead and guide and bless us with things we didn't even ask for. That's just how He rolls. :) Even if you don't have kids, you need to be there Saturday. Come and walk around and visit with people. Walk around the park and pray that this act of service to our community will bring people to a life changing decision to accept Jesus into their lives.