Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

What can you say about this horrible tragedy? So scary, sad, frustrating, confusing, shocking and hard to believe it really happened. What prompts a person to do such unthinkable things? The best thing we can do is pray even though it doesn't seem like much, especially to us women who are, by nature, "fixers." May God give all involved peace, comfort and and the assurance that He is with them.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a sign of the times. Our society has pretty effectively pushed God out of every day living. They have separated God from their lives pretty completely. What happens when God is no longer included as even a possibility? You no longer have a possibility of hope. You no longer have consequences. Without hope or consequences you might as well do whatever you want. Without hope you might as end the pain and take as many with you as you can. That's why the church has got to be different. We offer truth and hope. Let's let people know what we know.

Anonymous said...

Being one who is in the Greater DC area and has a few moms and dads who had kids at VT, I know that they do appreciate your prayers.